forum Mental health support group please?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@YukiSenoue group

"sedentary lifestyle"?

"A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity. A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much of the day."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Y'all, how do I get over this perfect girl?

Find everything that is not perfect about her. Unfortunately, if this is someone whom you actually like, it will only make you like them more, but then you know.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Y'all, how do I get over this perfect girl?

Find everything that is not perfect about her. Unfortunately, if this is someone whom you actually like, it will only make you like them more, but then you know.

Everything is perfect… she's even perfect when she smiles and laughs… she's perfect when she drops her flag or sabre… she's perfect when her hair is up or down or messy or neat. She's just so her and that's why she's so perfect…

Edit: She once stabbed a caprisun box with her sabre and tossed it around with the silliest little smirk on her face, at this point I turned around to my friends and told them "Guys. I think I'm in love with her"