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people_alt 10 followers

Deleted user

A complete list of stupid things me and my friend Connor have said.

Just now: [Me and friends jumping to hit a paper sign taped to the ceiling]
Vice Principal: Connor! Don't hurt our signs!
Me: Don't worry, they barely tapped it, it's up there real good!
Vice P [walks away]
Connor: Aggressive laughter


Connor: Where does this bang go?
Me: agressive snorting


Connor: Up shut your fuck!


Me: How do five high?


Me: Frickle frackle Jensen Ackles
Connor: What the actual fuck
Me: You said frick frack snick snack before so shh


Me: Crosh them and leave them behind
Kasey: Crosh?
Connor: CROSH???????


Connor: Satan took the wheel, I ordered Jesus.
Me: Satan take the whale
Connor: ???
Me: I'm tired and I got tongue tied be quiet

Deleted user


Connor: It's colder than Jesus's tits
Me: Same
Connor: The fcuk

@GoodThingGoing group

I have a good story: when we went to Globals last year, me and three of my friends went out to eat in Kentucky. One orders chocolate milk, and it takes forever to get there. Keep in mind that this friend is a fifteen year old. When it arrives, it’s in a tiny, crinkled plastic cup. Also keep in mind that we are all still in shock from our wins at globals. He looks at it, looks up at us, and looks back down at it, and bursts out laughing. He ends up getting that same cup topped off two times. Meanwhile, another friend jokingly goes: Yo! Where’s my root beer in a sippy cup! To us, and he’s facing towards the front of the restaurant. He didn’t know that the waiter was behind him. The waiter then proceeds to apologize profusely and brings the friend who ordered chocolate milk a real glass.

Deleted user

@shurikenwoldbasass_13 I'm currently on a school computer I don't want to say something that would get me in trouble lol