forum I’m lonely. Please give me attention!
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Hums in thought, then cautiously eats the treat.

(Why do I see this comical friend-like creature that looks at, sniffs, and does whatever else to the treat, then starts to just barely nibble at it? I don’t know, the image is stuck in my head now. And it’s just so funny!)

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Peeks out from behind the corner, tentatively scampering forward. Mayhaps I have a treat as well, my lord?

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Slightly retreats, bowing gently. Oh of course, my… my lady. I am still unfamiliar with the terms in this realm. Gently grabs the treat, sniffing it cautiously

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Bites treat curiously, then pauses, before devouring the rest of the morsel. I concur! Oh indeed this is delightful!

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finishes treat with vigor. I thought they would be poison, personally! You cannot be too trusting, oh no.

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Another tiny lil friend pops in, sniffing the air. T-treats? P-poison?