forum How do you share your universe?
Started by Oliver Leigh

people_alt 11 followers

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

When you view your universe's page, you should see a "share" button at the top. It's the left-most circular button in this screenshot:

When you click on it, it opens a dialog that lets you toggle between making your universe "private" (the default, where only you can see it) or "public" (where others can see it). The popup looks like this:

Once you click the switch, your settings are instantly saved and you can share the URL provided to anyone you'd like. If you ever want to make it private again, you can go back to the same place and turn the switch back, and the URL will no longer work for anyone other than you.

There's a long, more in-depth write-up about how sharing on works, here.

Happy worldbuilding!