forum How do you get your best ideas?
Started by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

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@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I want to know how everyone gets their best ideas. I personally do a lot of google deep dives (the process of googling something random to see where you end up (on the weird side of youtube, generally) and slowly spiraling into the chaos of the internet) I once ended up on "Playing all star on a thicc dog".
My favorite resource for doing so:


I research things that interest me, and every now and again I let my mind wander. Then when my wandering mind leads to something interesting I start building things off of that.

Another way I get ideas is I imagine myself in some of my favorite movies, books, and tv shows. And that inspires me to start writing a story.
Good luck with all your ideas!


I do a lot of reading, and imagining the ideal person. (4 Seasons of Sherlock have taught me well.) I also do a lot of listening to Simon and Garfunkel, Owl City, and Billy Joel. The Redwall series helped me come up with zany ideas, and of course, dank memes fuel my creativity.


I either get ideas from random YouTube videos or from playing Minecraft. Sometimes I get them from just looking out the car window or daydreaming scenarios. Often I'll right down conversations and family trees on my whiteboard or roleplaying things in my head


Most of the time, I think up a random object or character, and create a story around it. Sometimes, I even start with a catchy title and base the story off the title.