forum How do you do this relationship thing?!
Started by @mumble

people_alt 17 followers


Lol okay, well my advice for IRL relationships would be to communicate as honestly as you can and do your best to be kind and loving to them. Whenever you fail at communicating or being kind and loving apologize and try to better in the future.

For writing relationships decide on what relationship it is- Parent/kid, friend/friend, romantic, etc. Once you've decided that decide if it's more of a toxic relationship or a healthy one, also think about how the relationship effects the plot. Then draw inspiration from how you interact with people and how others interact with others. And then write it out.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your writing!

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How to write a relationship:
-make sure the two characters personalities complement each other. For example: The strong one who always gets into trouble and the gentle one who is always looking out for the strong one.
-Don't make them have the exact same interests. Sure, they can like the same things, but don't make them too similar. When two people have similar interests, they don't always get along very well, especially in relationships
-Always have some kind of conflict between the two characters. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, and sometimes even if they get along really well they'll still get into arguments.
-Add a rival to the relationship, someone that will makes character x jealous because they think he/she will take character y away from them.
-Never have the relationship start at the beginning. Focus on establishing the main two near the beginning, and gradually build up to their relationship near the end.
-Independence is good. The two main characters should still be independent even in a relationship. Having character x dependent on character y can make them feel bland like they have nothing else going for them besides the fact that they're in a relationship. Translation: Don't do Twilight

Relationship irl advice:
Nothing. I'm a lonely person.


awww that sucks
but its okay because i didn't go with anyone or anything
ok looking back that sounds like i could have gone with like an ailen or something
i didn't btw'
maybe i could have
im just rambling now
its late
im tired


What is your character's ideal person like? What would they do as a perfect S.O.? (like dates, gifts, random acts of sweetness, whatever) Then think of the things that could go wrong between them. (bickering, jealousy, drinking/drug problems, maybe the person belches or is rude to waitstaff) merge the two and add a little bit of (optional) physical attraction and you have a relationship.

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@WeirdLilyPad I think @Winter meant don't have the couple's relationship start right at the beginning of the story, wait a bit so you get a feel for the characters on their own before you put them in a relationship.