forum How did you find
Started by @Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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A friend of mine mentioned it to another friend of mine on Discord, and when they posted a link I decided to check it out too, to see if it would be helpful.


I was on Pinterest and I found a screenshot of a tumblr post that said this was really helpful. So I gave it a shot, since I had many ideas for stories but couldn't quite pull the strings together. was indeed extremely helpful, thanks! I plan to keep using it in the future! ◕ω◕


One of my best friends noticed that I was having trouble getting started with and keeping track of my ideas. She told me that her art teacher had posted this site on her Instagram, and she recommended it to me. That same night, I spent about four hours on here, churning out my ideas onto something that I can find later.