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Started by @moss

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Hello, I'm just gonna jump in here, if that's okay? I'm extremely bored and just need to talk. Social deprivation is making me antsy and my RLS kick in more often.

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Anything lol (I hate it when people say this…yet I am one of these people). Currently I am just researching something for my homework, but it's gotten repetitive and boring.

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Oh my goodness, dreams are so weird! But I'm an insomniac so dreams dont happen often for me, but when I do have them, ohhh boy are they vivid and strange.

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Ooh, that's smart! I've never thought of having a dream journal to remember them.

I have an awful memory so I can only remember two dreams clearly.

There was one where I was being chased inside of my closet my some sort of monster. But it wasnt a small closet, it was like as big as a house. There was also clothes hanging from strings that seemed to lead upward forever. It terrified me for years cause I am scared of getting lost and I just so vividly remember having this sinking feeling in my gut that I was completely lost and afraid.

The second one was me abandoned in the middle of an ocean in the darkness on a pirate ship. If I wasn't so scared of the ocean and the darkness, it would have been beautiful cause the ocean was reflecting the night sky which was incredibly clear from the lack of light pollution. So it looked as though I was sailing through a galaxy. I've always wanted to draw this dream, but I lack the artistic ability.

What are some of your weirdest dreams?


oooh dreams r cool but i barely remember them here are some of the ones i do tho

Ok so I had this dream when I was like 9 but it terrified me and I still remember it. So in the dream, I was being chased by a pack of big dogs in my apartment building. My apartment building has this sort of balcony thing for the second floor and I remember in the dream I had to jump off of it lmaoo. Anyways, I was too slow and the dogs got me and attacked. Tbh, I'm lowkey still kinda scared of dogs cuz of this dream.

The second one is really funny. I had this one in 5th grade while I was reading the HP series and watching the movies. 10 year old me had a crush on Draco Malfoy and in the dream he was like a kid at my school and we basically dated in the dream lmao its so cringey looking back.

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What is with being chased in dreams? It's awful, especially when your not running fast enough, or you trip.

Also, your second dream was all too relatable. We all had at least one dream when we kissed/dated our fictional crushes. And if someone says they havent, they're lying.


Wooooaahhh those are weird :0
So there was one where me, my sister and some girls I knew from school were in a factory that turned souls into flowers. I remember we were all in a room full of different objects. One of the girls was about to touch them, and I drew her away saying, “Don’t touch it! Those things don’t have souls in them. Too bad that means we’re dead.” Then I remember guns appearing at the door to the room, pointed at us (they might’ve been girls possessing them) and I remember glowing vines spouting from both my and my sister’s hands, strangling them. One of the guns might’ve shot, but I don’t remember a sound. Then I remember a field of flowers, with a blue, glowing deer or something running through it. One of the flowers, maybe the one the gun shot, seemed to be talking about escaping by focusing her soul into the seeds, and passing them along until they find an exit, and in doing so, return to human form. Then I remember being back in the factory and seeing the rooms fill with water. There seemed to be a girl who was behind this, because I saw her swimming in it, but I’m not sure how. I also remember being in a room with my crush, and mentioning that I had a crush on him, and all I remember of his response was, “You have a crush on me?” We must’ve still been in the factory. I think that’s when I woke up.

Then I had one where the entire world looked like it was a cartoon, everything was a wash of pink and purple, and dark teal shadows, and dark lines separated thing from thing. The dream was in first person, unlike the first one, where it was like I was watching myself in a movie. I saw the world become this zombie cat apocalypse. As ridiculous as that sounds, I was terrified. These human/cat hybrids weren’t blood thirsty, and they didn’t become cat-like, but they lost their ability to speak, and in general just lost their humanity.
I found myself in one of the institutions/facilities where the infected cat-people were separated from the rest of society. It felt like I had been there for a long time, but at the same time, I was terrified, as I was still human. I was so, so scared to lose that. Sometimes I imagined (or dreamed, haha) that fur was growing on my arms, and I’d just be in a cold sweat. I stayed as far away from the cat-people as I could. I remember them staring at me sometimes. Or just a general feeling of being watched. I can’t remember much else.
Oop this got long

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Oh my goodness! I just remembered these dreams that I used to get all the time! About a year ago, I would get these dreams where I'd be talking to this guy or holding hands with him, and I just know we are dating. I could never see this guys face, but I always knew it was the same dude everytime cause I would always get this feeling that he had brown eyes and blond hair, every time. I could never see distinguishing facial features or a body frame. Just blond hair and brown eyes. I used to get these dreams about once a week or so. But they stopped about a year ago, and it's always made me wonder what they were about or why I got them. Dreams make me question so many things about my life.


Oof yeah. Sometimes I wonder if some of my shorter dreams give me glimpses of the future, cuz sometimes when I get deja vu, I feel like it happened in a dream I had.

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Woah… @/Tired-but-passionate, those dreams are so interesting! Not gonna lie, the first one sounds like a good story where souls are turned into flowers, then planted in a field. The second one would terrify me. I hate zombies they are just so unnatural and gross.

Deleted user

Oof yeah. Sometimes I wonder if some of my shorter dreams give me glimpses of the future, cuz sometimes when I get deja vu, I feel like it happened in a dream I had.

Yes. I think about this all. The. Time. And I'm still not sure if I like the idea or not. I'm just kind of waiting for the day that I run into this dude from my dreams, cause I cant help but have a feeling he's important. But whenever I say that, it makes me sound a bit crazy lol.

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Yeah I’ve wondered if I could use my dreams as inspiration for my stories or art. But I haven’t had the time to really think about or implement it haha

The series I'm working on was created after a dream I had. But most of the time their just….weird.

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I'm just here reading them replies

Same here. for about 3 hours now.

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I'm just here reading them replies

Same here. for about 3 hours now.

We're just lurking here

Visable stalking

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I'm just here reading them replies

Same here. for about 3 hours now.

I'm gonna be here for the next 3 hours trying to read your sentences :D