forum crocs' fashion advice corner
Started by @croccin-champagne

people_alt 99 followers


you could try those high waisted shorts
ive seen them come a little longer and theyre really cute
Shorts Women Solid Color High Wide Leg Trendy Harajuku Clothes | Fashion,  Harajuku clothes, Womens shorts
kinda like these idk


my mom bought me these bright purple/pink wide leg pants
idk how to style them i only wear long sleeves


a black shirt, especially a turtle neck, would be WILD. black or white are gonna be your easiest colors for matching, although pastel colors might match the bright really well. im thinking like…light pink, or something. maybe even yellow. also tank tops with a jacket or flannel might work, if you're comfortable wearing that. also boots, kitten heels, and platforms are gonna be your grooviest shoe option


i dont know if any of you need to hear this but im sure someone out there does:

stop worrying about your fucking muffin top. no, im not saying you have to adore and love it as one of those cringey tumblr-esque 'gods given curves' motivational quotes would. just stop worrying about it. stop thinking about it and hating it cause guess what!!! nobody who matters cares. and if YOU stop caring, so does everyone else. icky people feed off your visible insecurities. they smell it like blood in the god damn water and they will rip you to shreds so just. stop. caring babes. it dont matter! its where your organs at, its skin and fat from loving the shit outta your favorite foods! why are you so upset over something that was technically born of love? just leave it be and you'll feel so much better

also never let a dudebro who wears his baseball caps backwards and wears sleeveless hoodies with jorts tell you you cant wear mid-rise. fuck him. just do it. hell, wear low rise if you want, what the fuck do i care! its a body, not a pseudo-celebrity mansion. stop worrying about hiding the falsely perceived flaws


It’s a cool thread. Sad that I’ve found it only now. But I still am going to write here because I like to write on old threads and hope that maybe someone will still answer me. What do you think about Kandi? Are they still trending now? I like how they look on the others a lot, and I think that people who wear them are cute. But when I put some Kandi on, I think I look like an overgrown kid. I have one purple and two black-and-white ones. They match my sweater and my shoes from forstep style, but they still seem too childish to me. But, at the same time, I like them. What do you


I love them personally! and this summer I've dubbed a camp counselor aesthetic summer. bonus points on the slasher end of things, so kandi fits right in! I think if you're focusing so much energy on viewing them as childish, someone else will view them the same. but if you're confident in wearing them nobody will notice. it's all about your paradigm!

@the-void-galactic language

I just found this and I have a smol question, are there any good shoes that look like converse but aren’t actually converse? I love the look but damn those things are expensive and I don’t want to draw on expensive shoes 😭


they have them at goodwill! like this brand that looks like converse but is like. maybe 30 bucks a pair lmao and they have the prettiest pink shade of em