forum Christian Chat
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

I’m doing good (though stressed for exams coming up oooof)
I recently went to a Youth Conference called “Who Do You Say I Am” which was pretty fun :D

@GoodThingGoing group

My diocese does an AWESOME mission trip that focuses on Mother Theresa's "Small things, great love" mantra. It's 2/3/4 days (depending on age group) of work and it's really fun!! The only thing I dislike is that absolutely no electronics are allowed so I'm off of this site for a week in the summer :(

@GoodThingGoing group

Oooh, sounds cool no pun intended
I have had to:
Year One: Help an older woman with landscaping and help a women's care center with organizing and a fundraiser car wash
Year Two: Play games with senior citizens and WEED A PRAIRIE!
Year Three: Weeding a nursing home/playing games with the citizens, helping an older woman who's had 11 out of body experiences with her garden, and helping another woman with her land (she had a big house by a lake and also a patch of land)

@GoodThingGoing group

Also Year One was super hot.
Year Two was FREEZING!
And Year Three wasn't hot until the final day and I didn't have work then, since the final day is church, brunch, and goodbyes.


the church that I go to for Wednesday Night youth group has a large congregation, and has the best events. We always help with the craft show and Trunk or Treat. I love kids (they dont return the feeling) and yay

@GoodThingGoing group

Ooooh I helped with VBS one year….I lasted 3 days before being let go for 'inappropriate conduct', i.e. blowing a whistle at a kid for not shutting up while I was giving instructions


are you serious…


I was in charge of the 4-7 year olds, all girls.
On the first day, there was a 10 year old boy. He was fairly mature, and such a good help!
The girls were wonderful. They were all tired and wanted to sit out until Wet Time. I was like, "If you participate, I'll come too." They got fairly excited.


My girls (I call them that) all had to go to the bathroom, and they didn't know how to properly hold their spac ein line, so older kids kept getting in front of them, and I was worried that one of them was going to pee herself.


so I realise this chat is dead but I realllllly need advice.
im going to a Christian university and im taking a Christian Life Faith and MInistry class (yes the name is long, its called CLFM for short) and I love the professor, she is really kind.
the thing is, in the class we will be writing and presenting an essay on ourselves, one aspect that we are required to discuss is our sexuality. You can probably tell where this is going by now…. i'm not straight, im Asexual. I don't feel sexual attraction towards anyone of any gender ever. Also I haven't come out to any of the friends that I have in that class.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how my classmates would respond to me coming out. I don't know how my friends in the class would respond to me coming out. I don't know if I should tell the truth in the essay but lie in class. but lying is wrong and I hate to think of it as an option but i'm honestly really nervous about the idea of coming out. I've only ever come out to friends at my public high school who were also LGBT+ because I knew their views and opinions of me wouldn't change. I never worked up the courage to talk about it with my friends from church because they are not very accepting of LGBT+ things in general and it was just not something that ever came up. I'm scared to come out to the people at college because I have friends in that class that are rather conservative and I don't want to lose friendship with them and start awkward conversations and stuff. I'm just really conflicted. Do you guys have any advice? Im feeling really lost and anxious about this.