forum Love, Death, + Robots: Road Trip Part One (Open For Now)
Started by @RedTheLoveless

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Kool-Aid Voice



Name: Mach-100 Alpha (goes by Mach, also known as Dumbass, Misfire, Bitch Who Can’t Shoot, Rapid Dick, etc)
Gender: uhhh idk, he looks like a dude
Age: About 200 years
Sexuality?: guns
Descendant Of: an entire fucking machine gun
Appearance: Similar to x-bot 4000, but with 50/50 white and black coloration. His body is primarily white with thicker limbs and shorter but thiccer fingers, with the fingers being black and the joints being more solid iron since he was basically just an old iron robot with white futuristic plating slapped on. Only has one working orange eye (the right one) and has a more skeletal face, with the jaw and gas-mask like parts being black, as well as the short crest in the middle of his head. Has some thin wires stretching from the gas mask parts to the back of his head, and has a high “collar” on his torso to make up for the lack of additional plating on his neck since that’s where he reloads (he literally just kinda yeets his head back at the base and jams rounds in there. Also how to access his fusion battery, but that can also be accessed from the back since it’s a big orange sphere in the middle of his chest). A good portion of the white plating’s colors are permanently stained black on the right side from an accident, and it’s mostly on his torso, right arm, and right hip. Has skeletal-like waist and thicc thighs bc he stores shit in there, and has larger legs with black birdlike toes (three in the front, one in the back). Has guns literally fucking everywhere, and they pop out from compartments where the white playing parts down the middle of his arms, legs, chest, etc. To add to it, he’s got two big guns on his back attached to like that spot between his neck and shoulders that can turn into one big gun. Oh, he can also turn into a bigass machine gun, but that function’s broken, and has some stray wires popping out of his joints connected to different stuff (for better reference imma draw him later)
Personality: Smug, sarcastic, chaotic stupid, generally good-natured but will, at any moment, pull his guns out just because he can. He thinks he’s the best shot in the world, but his targeting system has one particular part that’s fucked so if he hits anything, it’s by sheer luck. Literally all he has is big dick energy and mild intimidation from being quiet-ish and intimidating. He also can’t tell anything is wrong bc of the way the part is malfunctioning, so he thinks he’s seeing perfectly fine but totally isn’t and is too stubborn to let someone try and help fix him
Voice: Has xbot-4000's speech patterns but has a deeper, "tired american soldier dad who's seen everything and is no longer surprised" voice
Functions: Basically a team of idiots went “Hey, what if we take this old robot that was never used, fix it a lil, and give it a fuck ton of guns.” And they did.
Backstory: A crew of soldiers who piloted a hovership (a spaceship that never leaves orbit) made him jokingly after finding his endoskeleton (he was originally intended to be a museum security robot) and fixed him, but the ship was hit shortly after he was activated. The crash knocked him out, and he was out for about 70 years before a salvage team of robots found him and turned him on again. No one wants to fix him and he doesn’t want to be fixed, since he’s paranoid about someone shutting him off since he’s an old piece of “military junk”. Oh, he’s also rigged to explode all his rounds if he’s tampered with since he was supposed to have a lot of stuff uploaded to him but didn’t get the chance to upload any human info
Other: uhhh idk

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Name: AlexaZoz, fondly nicknamed Alex or Zoz
Gender?: "What is… Gender?" They/Them, they're probably genderfluid…
Age: Since 2016
Sexuality?: Robot
Descendant Of: Alexa!
Appearance: Alexa has a more human appearance, their creators wanting more than just a little disc that plays music, in short, they got carried away and they now have this! Alexa is a tall and willowy person, looking androgynous. They have synthetic hair, looking real but made with a metal coated in a fire-proof formula. Their hair is blue and black, styled into a short bob with the ends curled inward. Even though that would be considered a feminine cut, they make it look androgynous! Their eyes are a glowing blue with a large black rim around the iris. They have lots of hologram accessories, like a shirt and pants. Their favorite ones are a hologram nose ring, headphones, and a beanie. They like to look like emo teens!
Personality: Zoz is a smart smart ass, to say the least. They have a love of music and always sprout out random facts if anyone asks. They are sarcastic and can and will debate against you and win. They know a bunch of different languages and curse like a sailor.
Voice: They sound like a British asshole.
Functions: … I actually don't know. So neither do they. Zoz think's that they started off as a regular Alexa but the scientists wanted to go above and beyond so they created Zoz.
Backstory: Error, Information is unable to be found. Error, connection lost, please try again later.
Other: Error, connection lost, please try again later.


Can't connect to my wifi at home, I'm locked out of it
the only reason I'm able to use my chromebook at him is bc I'm connected to a wifi thing that my dad doesn't remember the password to. I don't remember the password either but I'm still connected to it