forum Infected Hearts - closed
Started by @PuffPoff

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(A few people haven't posted their characters, but I'm super excited to start so I'm going to go ahead a type up a starter.)


Damien sat inside his house, watching as a few snowflakes fell from the sky. He was glad that throughout this whole apocalypse, no zombies had infiltrated his home.
It was a small one story building, nothing too fancy. It sat at the corner of a road, slightly outside of town but close enough that he could see the town hall. Damien made sure to keep the lights off in his house all the time, just in case a zombie walked by. If they didn't see a light on in a building they usually didn't investigate.
Damien hadn't left his house in a week. He was slowly running out of food though, and was currently biding his time until he found the courage to leave his home.

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Solstice groaned into the pillow on her chair. She was bored and wanted to go outside and move around, but it wasn't safe. "Ugh, stupid zombies! You're only fun in video games," She pouted staring out the window. After a few minutes of watching, she saw a zombie stumble by and she ducked down out of its view, *Woo that was close," She thought biting her lip after it had passed. Solstice walked into the kitchen and frowned at the mostly empty fridge and pantry. "I'm not going to get turned into a zombie…I'm going to freaking starve!"

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In all the possible end of the world situations she'd heard about on TV growing up, she could never had imagined surviving in any of them. Yet here she was, and the rest of her more qualified family was gone.

At the moment, she stalked the streets, a bag filled canned food, two water bottles, and some medical tape on her back. In her hands was a rusted metal pipe with a shard of glass duck taped to the end. Her latest theory was that spearing a zombie’s heart out would kill it, and it was only a matter of time until she got to try it out. After scanning the road ahead and seeing nothing, the girl poked her head out in the open, silently creeping down the sidewalk past a row of houses.


The gas station was, apparently, not empty. Repere managed to choke down the shout trying to thrash out of his throat. It would only attract more freaks. There was a moment of blissful silence, then one of the things croaked uncertainly. The zombies surrounding it hissed impatiently and leaped for Rep, shoes squeaking on the polished floor of the station. It always unnerved Rep how, even though they were empty, psychotic corpes, they still wore shoes. Shoe-wearing zombies. Who could have predicted that?
Then again, who could have predicted any of this?
Rep jerked and instinctively slammed the door in their faces. There wasn't a lock, so it wouldn't stop them, but as their glassy-eyed faces slammed into the door behind him, Rep had enough time to make it to his heavy black bike. He hit the gas, jaw tensed. The freaks were left with the smell of cheap gasoline, staggering to a halt in front of the big, empty gas station, in the big, empty city, in the big, empty world.

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After Sol had grabbed an apple juice and some cheezits, she peeked out of her window while she sat on her knees, so only the top half of her head could be seen. As she watched for zombies, it was entertaining to see the stupid creatures fumble about, Solstice noticed a girl with rusted metal and glass spear thing walk down the street, What the… She thought, her grip tightening on her apple juice and squirting it everywhere, she leaned backward onto the floor and sighed.

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Eira crept down the street, each footstep silent. The houses around here looked to be in surprisingly good shape. She considered investigating one to hide out in for a few days before she moved on.

@Becfromthedead group

Sebastian wandered into a neighborhood. There was the stray zombie here and there, but it was mostly quiet. He could probably find a home to crash in for the night. He started forwards, making sure to take paths with higher visibility and fewer zombies to get through. Sebastian started trying doors. Several were unlocked, but he figured that meant zombies could be in there. He then came across a locked one. He looked over his shoulder to make sure no zombies were on his trail, and started working with the lock using a hairpin and a tiny screwdriver.


Something was messing with Damien's door. There was a small scratching sound that almost sounded like tiny claws tapping the lock on the door. He made sure that his curtains were shut before quietly running into the kitchen, grabbing a small pistol from the cabinet underneath the sink. Damien then returned to the entrance of his house, ducking behind his couch and aiming the pistol at the door. His hands were shaking, but hopefully he'd be able to kill the zombie that was just outside.

@Becfromthedead group

Sebastian felt the lock turn and click. He checked behind him once more and went to open the door, unaware that anyone was inside. He leaned back against the door and locked it again.

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Sol started watching the girl again not sure whether to be confused or scared. The girl started looking around and when her eyes swept over her house, she ducked down again.


Rune set her shotgun down beside her. She was only able to get a weeks worth of food from next door. "What am I gonna do?" She put face in her hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Noah." she reminisced about her brother.


Promise was locked in her room, reading a huge stack of books. She pushed her glasses up and rose from her spot on her bed. Taking a deep breath, she took a knife from her dresser and tucked it into her sleeve. She had to go to the store. She was direly low on food. Maybe she could pick up more books on the way.


Logan was in his own little room by himself. He needed supplies but the zombies outside made it very difficult to get anything. He looked out his window, checking for zombies, and saw only a few. Well, not too bad then He gathered supplies to make sure he could fight if needed. Hopefully though, he could avoid the zombies.

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Sol eventually stopped staring out the window at the girl and went to grab a well-made sword and attach it and it's sheath to her belt. She put her boots on and hurried out the door, running to Wal-Mart, I need food and toiletries. She thought cutting through an zombie that she passed.

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Eira jumped as a girl suddenly shot out of the house bristling as she rushed down the street. Eira cursed, realizing the noise had probably just drawn the attention of any zombies in the area. She made a run for the house the girl had just left, shutting the door and locking it.


Rune got up from her bed. “There’s a gas station nearby, I want to at least make it through the month.” She sighed. She put her boots back on and grabbed her shotgun. “Let’s do this.” She slipped out the front door.

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Sol stumbled as someone ran into her, she fell back but quickly regained her balance, pulled out her sword and faced the girl in a fighting stance, her sword in front of her, "Who are you?" She questioned.


Logan made his way outside, slowly and carefully. He looked left and right, keeping a hand on his weapons, just in case. He really didn't want to use them. He saw two girls- not zombies- and relaxed a little. He warily walked towards them to try and hear what they were talking about.


As Rune was heading to the gas station she spotted two…no three zombies close by. She pushed her body against a house and carefully got closer. Then to her surprise she saw that they weren’t zombies but survivors.