forum Daemon X Machina (CLOSED 5/5, feel free to watch shit go down)
Started by @Yamatsu

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@PaperHats business

Arlo clocked the rookie, adjusting Sentry to face toward the tanks. He was far enough away and there were enough shots to mask the direction in which his bullet flew.
Shadow lined up his shot, letting a bullet soar into the exposed wiring of one of the AI tanks. He had tried to angle it under a panel, digging into a vulnerable area. He watched as the bullet was met with sparks, and the AI malfunctioned.
He let another shot ring out, piercing the same one until it was downed. His sights then set on the rest, and he dealt with them in the same manner.

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Ash slammed into pavement in front of a group of AI, his chain gun whirring as the barrels twirled in a deadly dance "See you on the other side bastards" he grunted as he pulled the trigger, also shielding himself while unleashing a deadly storm of lead into the group of AI. "Copperhead, I'm starting to pick up that femto reading you were talking about on Linemans sensors" reported Ash.


Copperhead checked his sensors, a hard thing to do when you are being shot at, but Four sounded another alarm.

"Colossal Immortals incoming from above. They will be impacting the edges of the city in 10… 9… 8… 7…"

"Shit, fuck!" Copperhead spat. "EVERYONE BRACE FOR IT!" he roared over the comms.

There was a massive ka–BOOM! like a bomb went off, and then another soon after. At the city wall, two skyscraper-sized hunks of metal had crashed down and wrecked four blocks each with the impact alone. Everyone still had smaller Immortals that were harassing them, but those who saw the Colossal Immortals noticed how they began to change and unfold. Two massive legs sprouted from the thick body and arms with large shoulder pads like knights popped out from the sides. It looked like they didn't have heads, but as the Colossal Immortals stood, bright lights where a visor would be showed that the heads were instead very flat. They couldn't have been outfitted with much targeting equipment.

The one to the north-north-east, Coperhead's left, brought its hand behind its back and pulled out what looked like a repurposed radio tower or one of those tall structures that held up high-tension wires. With a flick of its wrist, the Immortal's weapon ignited with two bright blue lasers on either side. That thing didn't need advanced targeting systems because it didn't have to rely on guns, apparently. The Immortal on Copperhead's right did the same thing, and they held their swords in a battle-ready pose. The light from their blades revealed large letters on their chests that were previously obscured by dust and grime.

They were called Rebellion

(EDIT: andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) helped me figure out how to make the pictures bigger! Woohoo!)

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"HOLY SHT" Yelled Ash "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? HOW?" He calmed himself and said "Switching to howitzer, It might be enough to stagger them… maybe" the minion stopped churning out rounds and he switched it out, the large chain canon taking the place that the howitzer previously occupied. The large cannon roared as a massive armor piercing round tore across the landscape, colliding with an immortals chest and doing practically nothing "I am very screwed" he whispered as the immortal turned its head towards him.


(You THINK it did nothing.)

As Copperhead turned to hear Ash's howitzer cannon rumbling, he squinted to see if any damage had been done. There were a few bullet marks on the chest, and pinpoints of green light seeped through. However, the left Rebellion wasn't really phased by those mosquito bites, and so it hefted its blade into the air in an arc that cleaved a building in half. As the two sides fell away, a large pink canister seemed to unscrew itself from the sword arm, hiss out some steam, and then screw itself back in.

"Four!" Copperhead yelled. "What was that pink thing I just saw?"

"Scanning… Scans indicate a Femto cell. There are four cells in total. One in the sword arm, one below each knee, and one in the chest. I suggest attacking those cells to disable the Rebellion Immortals," she explained.

"You heard her, everyone!" Coppherhead said on the open channel. "When you see those pink cells, light'em up!"

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Bump (don’t think it’s worth anything though. I get a feeling this thread has just… died)