forum "Careful, you wouldn't want to hurt yourself with that."(it's really just a random futuristic roleplay so like...) [OPEN]
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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Felix took a tighter grip around the knife as he waited for the responce.


To hell with it.

Elizia lowered her gun and let the energy dissipate. Her wings vanished, the gun stopped shaking, her eyes stopped glowing. "I'm leaving," she stated, a blank look on her face. She glanced around, noted the nearest door, and approached. A cold metal lock hung on the handle. With a quick pulse and a bit of power, the lock was vaporized.

"My advice, you leave too."

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”That’s what I’ve been trying to do this entire time,” Felix muttered. He rolled his eyes.


Jae teleported through the halls, trying to find his way put of the lab as quickly as he could. He passed several dead bodies on his way, he wasn't sure how they were killed but he didn't want to stop long enough to find out.

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Felix took a couple of quick steps over to the door. He couldn’t wait to get out of here.


Elizia stopped dead, and her hand tightened around her gun. She vaporized the scalpel then turned to face the lunatic.

"It isn't really any of your concern, so I'll be keeping that to myself."

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Felix took a step forward. ”Leave her alone. If she says it isn’t your concern, that means it isn’t. We don’t have to tell you anything, chica.” He flicked the armyknife open in his pocket. He hid it carefully as he angled the blade away from his own skin. He didn’t want anyone to see the knife. He probably wouldn’t be considered a threat if he was unarmed. Felix didn’t want to fight anyone, he just wanted to get out of here. Preferably unharmed.


Elizia turned her back and strode out, confident enough to keep the gun at her side. Her sister was her business. That was all.

An alarm rang out somewhere in the remains of the lab facility. Smoke, fire…. it was death and ash out there.

There was a car right outside. Better than walking.

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Felix headed towards the door. He turned around to look at the dark-haired girl. ”If you really must know, I came for the money. They offered me payment to be tested on. You might not be familiar with the concept, but not everyone has money enough to do whatever they want.” With those words he walked through the door.


Jae saw someone walk out a door in front of him as he was walking down a hall. He froze unsure of whether to say anything or not.

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Felix had stopped at the door, without turning around. He bit his lip as he listened to the others telling each other their mutation. Thinking about his own mutation, it would be handy to know theirs.

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Felix hesitated for a second. ”I… was a fail. Nothing happened after my treatment,” he lied.

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Felix gave them a bitter, crooked smile. ”Some things are better off unspoken.”