forum Boarding School Roleplay [CLOSED BUT STALKERS WELCOME =)
Started by @NotAfraidToRead

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

(No one I was doing it with is on anymore so I feel like I'm not even in it anymore)


"Cool. I've wanted to go to Greece for ages, but I just never could. My dad was never sent there, it was mostly the countries most devastated by the war."


"I think Tuesday? I feel like they wouldn't give us classes tomorrow, even though it is Monday, since we all just got here," I ventured. "I have Latin first thing one Tuesday, though, so that would not be good."


"Okay, so you see how it's two sevens? If we were actually playing, the first person to slap their hand down would get the cards and put them to the side and we'd keep going. then, at the end, whoever has more cards wins."


"Okay, so you see how it's two sevens? If we were actually playing, the first person to slap their hand down would get the cards and put them to the side and we'd keep going. then, at the end, whoever has more cards wins."