forum What are some magical herbs, fungi, flowers, etc. in your world?
Started by @milktea_wizard

people_alt 37 followers


Do they have any effects on humans/creatures, and, if so, what are they? Are they brewed in potions, cooked into foods, or just ingested on their own? I'm curious to hear about your peculiar plants! ^^

@Darkblossom group

Well, there is a tea in my world that is created with the bark of super magical, one of a kind tree. The tea is medicinal, but is really, really expensive as they don’t want to strip off too much bark from the tree, because without the tree the entire country would dissipate into nothing. Kind of. It’s a little complicated.


Well, there is a tea in my world that is created with the bark of super magical, one of a kind tree. The tea is medicinal, but is really, really expensive as they don’t want to strip off too much bark from the tree, because without the tree the entire country would dissipate into nothing. Kind of. It’s a little complicated.

Wow! that's really interesting! I'm curious, what is the bark used to treat?

@Darkblossom group

Well they have healing magic already, but poisons are really, really hard to treat with magic, so the tea is used to cure poison and some other illnesses that magic can’t fix.


I have one, but I don’t have a name for it yet. It is a root that poisons your lungs. If you juice it, it have a slight sour flavor. It grows something in your lungs that slowly kills you.