forum new plants stat!
Started by @Travesty

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@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Probably need more context! Like plants would probably be based on the environment they're grown in(Citation: Cacti in the desert) So like, where are they, what kind of setting(Is there magic?) and goals with the plants?


btw i mean magic and totally wild kinda things (fx. i have something called an echo flower, that repeats anything said to it or magic cast.)

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

You could have some kind of Siphoning vines, vines that seek out magic sources like a moth to a flame, but more dangerous. P
… I honestly don't have any really more specific ideas aside from 'that plant, but themed around a magic' (Like a pitcher plant that attracts electricity instead of just collecting water)

@rinnrinn brightness_7

I think the best thing you can do is create plants that are just, y'know–plants. Unless your world mandates that every living thing have tangible magic, sometimes plants just hang out, and that's all they do.
Instead of thinking what a plant does in terms of a magical ability, or a practical use for characters/societies, think about it in terms of what it does for its environment. Maybe a certain type of moss holds the ground together in damp places; maybe flowers that bloom in noxious places (think volcanic sponges) help circulate air; maybe one plant just exists because it's a significant food source for a certain kind of animal, and that's the thing that keeps it pollinated!
Definitely move beyond the magical, and investigate your world from a purely biological perspective–for as much magic as it may have, something has to be hold the ecosystem together too!


yeah, guess i didn't mention, the jungle plants are kind of important to the world building bc of the subtle effects and all that, but im also looking for new things in general to replace domestic breed plant like cauliflower and broccoli since those thing won't exist in my world. also hyper evolved plants, like maybe tomatoes that became similar but not quite the same as deadly nightshade and things like that.