forum LOTR fan club
Started by @Your-Humerus

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@Your-Humerus @SoomeRandomPerson Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo! Yes! This is how I know I'm not crazy, or how I know everyone else is crazy with me. I may have read the Sil at least a hundred times (and cried at least once every single time,) wholeheartedly believe Beren and Luthien is one of the greatest love stories of all time, and self-identify with Turin because I, too can never do something without accidentally killing someone. And for all your geeky Tengwar-transcribing needs:

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Hello my fellow notebookers! I worked on a LotR fanfic with one of my friends, and need to have someone beta-read/critique it.
Note: I need this done because I am planning on re-writing the story as a new story in and of itself. I figured that it might help with the re-write…. Please don't hold anything back, be as brutal as you want to.
It was my friend that made the original a LotR fanfic, I was just helping write it.

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I read The Hobbit when I was 10 and the main series when I was like 12, still haven't read the other books yet, I'm kind of scared of them. They have more pages than I have brain cells.

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Oh my goodness! A whole forum for just LOTR, I have finally found my family!! I have no clue how old I was when I read the series but I…was…young to young to understand it all, hehe :D
P.S I'm like the only one in my family who read the appendix!

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I like reading the appendix, it adds a lot to the story.

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Yes, but it also makes the whole story sad. When he tells you when all your favorite characters died :( I have to re-read the first one just to be happy again.

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I love reading the part about hobbits because you can really see Tolkien thought of everything.

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Yes! I'm trying hard to follow in his footsteps when it comes to writing fantasy, I just hope it doesn't take me 15 years to accomplish it, lol.
Do you have a favorite character?

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I don't know, every time someone else speaks they become my new favorite character.I'm super indecisive But I guess Pippin is my overall favorite.

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Nice! He defiantly has some of the best/funniest lines, Tolkien did really good embracing the irresponsible tweens :D