forum Who's up for some heavy fantasy romance? (fluff included)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Just like the title says!
Heavy fantasy romance and fluff may be included. Love triangles, squares, octagons, heck! Even heptakaidecagons!!!
TONS of fantasy included. I dont know the setting, but it might be modern-day. Other than that… this is open for discussion!
(i honestly have no idea how many people im gonna have lol)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Nice! I didn't expect someone to reply so quickly! Okay, i need one thing before i allow you to join!
Could you give me a sample of how you normally write! (sorry im not being rude, but i dont think ive seen you around before, and i really dont want this to die) Btw are you active?

Deleted user

(I'm active most of the time, and not to seem rude but that surprises me
I've been on here for a few months more than a year and quite a few people know me
I can't give you a sample rn cause I'm on my phone and I'll have to go find one, but I'll grab one)

Deleted user

Deep in the confinements of penitentiary, a cell held the murderer known to the public only as Winter Equinox. She stood in the centre of the glass cell, eyes closed, head tilted down. The power restricter around her neck was barely visible due to her white hair covering it. The metal shackles that encased her hands had patches of frost on them, as did the chains connecting them to the floor and the glass that contained her.
Winter Equinox's head shot up as she heard the door containing the glass cell opening, her eyes ice blue. She made no noise as the head of the penitentiary, Oscar Melding, opened the door to her cell and closed it behind him, standing in front of her.


(is this good? it’s from an old rp)

Beck smiled at her; he wasn’t full-on beaming (that hadn’t happened in a while) but still looking positively peppy, which was a vast improvement on his recent mood. Already, thoughts were racing through his head of strategies and what books the library might contain that would be useful. He knew he shouldn’t be so happy about this, seeing as he still knew nothing about his other competitor, but he couldn’t stop himself from feeling more optimistic about the Struggle.

He took another big bite of food, gratitude and hope shining in his eyes. “Thanks, Dierdre,” He said as soon as he swallowed, not sure how to adequately express how much that little tidbit of information cheered him and how much her friendship meant to him. He was the happiest he had been in days, weeks even. Which was dumb, of course, it was only a small bit of information. But Beck still felt a renewed sense of vigor and determination.


not really, maybe there could be some sort of quest and our characters are the group on the quest who all fall for each other and drama ensues lol

Deleted user

(I thought this was gonna be smaller, I'm gonna leave because I'll be left behind)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Heres the template!

Full name:
Nickname (if any)
Appearance (Be descriptive):
Distinguishing marks(tattoos beauty marks etc. )
Favorite/ usual outfit
Zodiac and Birthday (and/or Hogwarts house)
Last but not least. POWERS:
Full name: Young-Jae (last name unknown)
Nickname (if any) none
Age: 20 (about to turn 21)
Gender: male
Personality: He's super quiet, and rarely talks to anyone. If you're lucky and you get him to open up to you, he's a sad, yet sweet boi. That's really all.
Appearance (Be descriptive): Korean guy 5" 11, he's pretty skinny but still healthy and surprisingly strong. His skin is super pale except for the tips of his fingers and ears, along with his elbows cheeks and nose and knuckles and around his eyes, he kind of looks sick but he's still somehow very attractive. He's always really cold. Oh, another thing, his two eyes are bright blue, but he has a third eye (on his forehead lol) that's blue-green, very ghostly. His hair his light blue, almost white, along with his wings, he's extremely stylish, for he's a fashion designer and a model.
Height: 5" 11
Ethnicity: Korean
Distinguishing marks(tattoos beauty marks etc. ) other than his third eye and wings, he also has two markings on both sides if his cheeks, one a crescent moon on the left, and on the right a star, all in black, and they're about the size if his fingertip. Every now and then a marking like that will appear randomly on his body, and even he doesn't know why.
Other: His tears are also black, and he seems to have no pupils, his eyes are still gorgeous though. And his hair (curly, fluffy, with a middle part, sometimes covers his third eye.
Favorite/ usual outfit: A big white turtle neck sweater with a crescent moon in the middle, the end of the big sleeves lined with stars. Over that, a brown big coat/jacket with black fur on the hood (which is usually down) and the end of it at the bottom. Along with that he usually wears black skinny jeans with big red converse hightops. (He kinda just looks super rich which he kinda is) and every now and then a golden or silver watch.
Weapon: Scythe
Backstory: He flew down to earth when he was 12, he's lived there ever since, people have tried to catch him (the government) but he either kills them or scares them half to death so they won't, other than that he lives a completely normal life. He has no kids, no lover, no Parents, no actual evidence that he even has a life other than his fashion business thingies.
Other: he's never ever tried to hide who he is, he goes about life with his wings showing and his third eye wide out in the open.
Zodiac and Birthday (and/or Hogwarts house) Unknown, Slitheren
Likes: baking, shopping, (he's not gay he's just fabulous okay?)Scaring people and flying around exploring the world
Dislikes: people, misunderstandings, people trying to get him, and bananas.
Talents: keeping a straight face
Last but not least POWERS:
Magic allowing him to create "space holes" as in like tunnels leading to space, and he can also teleport. Black holes, wormholes. You name it. He can control some stars to, but not a lot.
So he usually uses them to teleport people to space so they can just.. die there or for him to teleport to Example: the living room to Russia, he can also go to other planets. He doesn't really like to though. But usually, he uses it to go to different countries. He can also destroy the whoe universe, and like screw everything up, but ya know, hes smart and decides not to.

Deleted user

(oh? you'll only be left behind if you let yourself be. You dont have to, but do as you wish)

(no I mean I will actually get left behind
I'm australian, when I'm asleep like 4 pages get added)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(oh? you'll only be left behind if you let yourself be. You dont have to, but do as you wish)

(no I mean I will actually get left behind
I'm australian, when I'm asleep like 4 pages get added)

(oh okay, you do you! have fun!)


Full name: Eugene Corey
Nickname (if any): Goes by Corey, but is teasingly called Genie by close friends.
Age: Fourteen
Gender: Male
Personality: He often feigns ignorance in any situation that would otherwise require seriousness or action, which leads to him getting looked down on or dismissed easily. If ever asked, he'd respond with "I don't know", when in reality, he's a lot more intuitive than he lets on. He's easily discouraged when things don't go his way, but tends to hide this around others who are also impacted as a result of being told "no complaining" practically his entire life. Around his familiar, he becomes an entirely different person—desperate to prove he's a worthy "master", even though Swish has constantly expressed his pride for him the way he is. Despite this, he's friendly around people he's not threatened by—almost too much so. He's surprisingly perceptive for someone his age, and desperate to learn as much as he can to protect his "family".
Appearance (Be descriptive): Eugene has greyish-green eyes with small flecks of silver in them. He has incredibly messy, light brown hair that could probably be styled in a better way if he ever miraculously gained the patience to try. He has an abundance of freckles all over his otherwise fair skin, which he hates because it makes him seem more childish, on top of his height which is, to say the least, underwhelming at the moment.
Height: 5"4
Ethnicity: White
Distinguishing Marks: On the outside of his right hand, from his wrist to the tip of his middle finger, is a red tattoo of an arrow, followed by two, unconnected, intricate black lines that wrap around his forearm like bracelets. This is shared by his familiar as a sign of the contract between them.
Outfit: His typical attire is a black undershirt and black jeans, with a grey dress shirt left unbuttoned and a darker grey jacket over that. The collar of his shirt is usually sticking out beneath the jacket at odd angles, but he rarely pauses long enough to fix it. His whole "look" is topped off with some dark grey converse to match his jacket. Occasionally the collar of his dress shirt can be seen to have a silver pin in it, the picture of a hawk with folded wings and an intimidating stare—for what's surely just a piece of metal.
Weapon: Swish (familiar), spells
Backstory: He was born to an unprepared mother, the result of a careless relationship between two witches in their early twenties. While his mother tried to stick it out and care for Eugene properly, his father abandoned him right after he was born. He remained in the care of his mother for seven years, before putting him up for adoption. At the home, it wasn't long before he stumbled upon his familiar. He was in the form of a white hawk he first spotted him, and one of the other kids attempted to throw rocks at it before Eugene stopped him. Later that day he'd entered into a contract with the familiar, and they quickly became close friends. The familiar was quickly deemed "Swish" after the sound he made when diving in his hawk form.
Other: Swish is, obviously, his familiar. In my universe, familiars are animals with intelligent souls that can form a contract with witches, which gives them the ability to turn into a (relatively) human form for communication and protection.
Zodiac and Birthday (and/or Hogwarts house): Leo, August 14th, Hufflepuff
Likes: Netflix, chips, ice cream, being able to relax, having space to himself, hanging out with Swish and other friends, cats—cats—, magic, reading.
Dislikes: Small spaces, huge crowds, being ignored or looked down on, his first name, most seafood, spiders.
Talents: He can shred on the ukulele and knows how to sign the alphabet (mostly). He's also really good at binging shows he likes.
Last but not least. POWERS: He knows a few verbal spells, such as temporary night vision, speed, and the materialization of his familiar. Speed, however, can only be used for three seconds at the current time, and the first two spells leave him with a headache. With time to prepare and the correct ingredients, he can use hexes on people of his choice, although the ones he knows are relatively docile. He also has a natural affinity to water, being able to control it in very limited amounts or with loads of practice and/or raw emotion.

About Swish, Eugene's Familiar:
Name: Swish
Age: ≈18
Species: Familiar
Appearance: In human form, Swish has yellow eyes that vary in intensity based on his emotions, and a mop of black hair even messier than Eugene's—if that's possible. His skin is pale, almost unhealthy so, and he has only a few freckles around his nose. He has a thin scar above his left eyebrow, which is usually covered by his hair, and another that looks suspiciously like a scar from an arrow through his right shoulder. He rarely bothers with wearing a shirt unless for a formal occasion, as the fabric get in the way of his wings—retained from his animal form. On his right forearm he shares the same "tattoo" patterns as his master. He wears bleached blue jeans and black hightops ninety percent of the time, the other ten being baggy shorts that come down to his knees and some "dad" flip flops. His wings are mostly white, with a few grey and black splotches scattered throughout his feathers. In animal form, the rest of his body follows the pattern on his wings, although his face remains a pure white. When in material form, he resembles a silver pin, although the exact design varies depending on what position he was in when he was transformed.
Background: He refuses to talk about it, and Eugene never pushed him to spill. He was named by Eugene, however.
Personality: He's typically reserved and quiet, though he doesn't shy away from social interaction in the slightest. He's usually the one who has to re-explain random things to his master, who doesn't always pay attention. He fills the role of Eugene's caretaker and best friend, and is, consequently, fiercely protective over him down to what he eats for breakfast.

Is this okay?


Full name: Aurora
Nicknames, if any: Rory
Age: 18
Gender: female
Personality: Friendly, flirty, and outgoing, Rory loves meeting new people and making friends. She likes singing and music and dancing and being the center of attention. She is impulsive and stubborn, but also very kind and upbeat most of the time. Rory can be selfish or whiny at times, but usually she is very charming. She is most comfortable around other people and a true extrovert. While Rory is flirty, she gets flustered if someone flirts back more than just a little bit. Her voice is sweet as honey but she can be totally blunt sometimes. Despite all of her flaws and insecurities, once she truly cares about someone she is as loyal as can be and she doesn’t get attached at more than a surface level easily.
Appearance (Be descriptive): Rory has waist-length, glossy black hair that she always makes sure is meticulously clean and falls in lavender-scented waves. She has full lips that always seem to look a bit pouty and a slightly upturned nose, sprinkled with freckles. Her eyes are a warm, deep brown with short, stubby lashes, and her eyes crinkle at the corners when she smiles. She is short (5’ 2”) and slender with gentle curves that she likes to accent with her clothing. Rory has short fingers and toes and two ear piercings in each ear.
Height: 5’ 2”
Ethnicity: Filipino
Distinguishing marks(tattoos beauty marks etc. ): unless her freckles count then no
Favorite/ usual outfit: Rory’s outfits vary, but her general color scheme is similar (typically slightly dulled primary colors and black). She likes tight pants, skater skirts, jeans, tank tops, sweatshirts, and cute earrings. She is always wearing her favorite yellow converse and leather jacket (which she thinks is so cool but doesn’t say it for fear it’ll ruin the coolness). Her favorite outfit is a red tube crop top paired with overall shorts for warm weather or a black sweater with three stripes in the primary colors paired with a red mini skirt for colder weather.
Weapon: A sword enchanted to be light as a feather and swift as the wind she calls “Kindness” because she thinks it’s hilarious and reminds her of the phrase “kill them with kindness.”
Backstory: Rory was born to a sailor and a siren (don’t ask her how, she isn’t sure either). Her father was the one to raise her, since her mother was exiled from her clan of sirens and Rory appeared to be a regular human. When Rory got older, it turned out she was part siren, even though she doesn’t have a tail. She retains some characteristics of sirens, which are listed under powers.
Zodiac and Birthday (and/or Hogwarts house): Leo, August 3
Likes: singing, dancing, being the center of attention, flirting, making friends, talking, being liked (both platonically and romantically), reading, the ocean, swimming
Dislikes: being alone, the cold, deserts (or any place without water nearby), most sports, cooking, cleaning, hurting someone (especially someone she cares about), unrequited love
Talents: singing, dancing, being charismatic, sword fighting, flirting, making friends
Last but not least. POWERS: Since Rory is half siren, she does have some powers. Her singing voice is beautiful, and she usually doesn’t use it to full power, because when she does she can make anyone fall in love with her and do whatever she says (it works better on males though). She is an unnaturally good swimmer and can breath underwater. She has more strength, agility, speed, and stamina than a human. Once someone is under her spell, they don’t stop until either she stops singing (which she can do forever without her force getting sore) or she releases them in her song. She can only put one person under her spell at a time, but she’s working on getting two people. It takes enormous effort to more than one person or to hold someone under her spell for long periods of time.