forum The New Fantasy Tavern (Isn't blown UP)
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

Welcome to the tavern, where people from what are called fantasy worlds can go and be themselves. Magic is allowed here and can be used here.
(This is the newer more improved tavern, has explosion proof flooring.)

You don't have to put your character up just start and join.

Characters in the Tavern

@@Mousey-French-Af-Asexual-Midnight-Girafficorns-Grand-Master-Proud-Buzz-Buzz-Caretaker-And-Fork-Cult-Member-Who-Makes-Terrible-RPs-And-Is-HYPED-For-Halloween - Basil

@Spoopy-undead-cat -calix

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Basil opened the door, tired and shabby, her legs and arms caked with dirt and her clothes ripped. Her mousy brown hair was stringy and could barely be told from the dirt and mud on the rest of her. She set her spear down with a clatter. "I need a drink."

@Knight-Shives group

Calix the guy at the bar turned around towards her he had on a uniform that was just a suit and dark not completely messy hair, just not perfect. "sure. Anything specific" he asked and he looked for a cup under the counter.

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"Not really." Basil slumped into the seat, her hands giving off a purple glow as she sat.

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"Thanks." Basil began to down the drink, the purple seeping into the glass, leaving it with a tint of a purple glow just as her hands did.

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Ghost trudged into the tavern, following his sibling Cameron. He had on a scarf to his the gashes around his through and gloves to hide the ones on his hands. "Why am I here again?" He asked his sibling. "To socialize and shit, also I really need a drink."

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Ghost paused for a minute. "You know what, I'm just not going to question it anymore." He sighed as he took a seat on the barstool.

Cam walked up to the Barkeep who was sipping a glass of water. Nice suit. She thought as she observed the man.

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"Do you have any snake venom?" Ghost asks, setting his head down on one hand.

"Can I have a shot of vodka?" Cam implores the man.

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"Thanks." Ghost said as he took a sip, the venom burnt his throat. "Yup! Thanks!"

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Basil looked up sleeplily. "Good god…I need to go home. But I can't. Help." She said weakly.

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She lifted her hands, and the purple smoke/light/thing flowed out of them. "I've never bled so much before."

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"Thanks." Basil stood and made her way to the back of the tavern.

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Basil slowly washed away the caked mud and dirt on her body and patched up her hands, only little purple leaks seeping out occasionally. She made her way back to the bar, her hair in a pretty brown braid.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth comes running in, and slams the door shut “Turns out you can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat if it’s dead and not get caught as an assassin. Hey bartender, can i get a beer?” walks over to a table and sits down with a sigh of relief