forum Looking to ship my new character!
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Deleted user

I am, like, bone dead atm, but tomorrow a 2 or 3 paragraph starter will be grinded you just for you!

Deleted user

It was a cold night. Pretty odd, considering it was a May night in South Carolina, but Baylee honestly wasn't complaining. The cold was more manageable than the heat, for he could put on a hoodie when he's cold, but couldn't take his shirt off if it was hot. Call him crazy, but he knew he had a point. But when it's cold when people expected warm, it made them grump. And in a bar, grumpy can turn into tension and tension mixed with alcohol was just downright dangerous. Baylee could feel it in the cold air. Something bad was going to happen that night.
The magic on his breath tickled the back of his throat, giving his entire body an electric charge that shocked his anytime he reached over to fill someone's drink or wash a glass. They were audible shocks too, when the Snap! was so loud it made people turn and wince out of pity. He smiled and shrugged off the , "Damn, boyy, you alright?!"s from the drunken old men that stumbled around the bar and played really bad games of pool in the right hand corner of the bar. *What a use of your magic, huh? Sitting here in a bar, getting shocked every two seconds," his mind grinded out, refusing to be silenced despite his every effort to put a metaphorical piece of duck tape over it's mouth. He was so distracted by this he didn't noticce the woman waiting near the register, her foot tapping impatiently and her face twisted in a mic of disgust, impatience, and anger.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth looked at Baylee, waiting for him to notice her. She needed something to take her mind off the events of the day. The stupid bartender though was being slow and annoying. She was almost hot right now. Her home was usually much colder than this, and she wondered how the grounders survived in their thick jackets.

Deleted user

His eyes landed on the woman and the first thing that went through his mind was Aw, shit.
"Oh!" he blinked a couple times before walking over to where the woman stood.
You're a fucking idiot. He put on his best apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry what can I get you?"

@Darkblossom group

“What do you have that is cheap and strong?” She asked, her hand resting on a concealed weapon. Feeling the weapon there was comforting, even if she knew she couldn’t use it.

Deleted user

He leaned his elbows on the counter in thought for a moment. "Well, we have some vokta. It sells cheep 'cause no one really likes it."
A neon light reflected strangely in Baylee's green eyes, making him look oddly alien for a moment.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth finally actually looked at Baylee, his green eyes and black hair that strangely matched her own. She smiled inwardly, thinking of how he was kind of hot.
“That sounds fine. I’ll take that.”

Deleted user

He gave her a smile. "I like a woman who can take a drink."
He cursed himself as he walked back to where the drinks were. 'A woman who can take a drink?' You're already sounding like a creeper!
He pulled the bottle out and turned back to Lorreth. "On rocks or no?"

Deleted user

"Hot?" he asked with a chuckle. "Oh, you must be new here, then."
He scooped some ice into cut and twisted the cap from the bottle, filling the cup half-way.

@Darkblossom group

“Yes, you could say that. I’m here on business.” Lorreth finally gives up on obscurity and removes her cloak, revealing multiple daggers strapped to her legs and two short swords hanging from her belt. And curves. A lot of curves.

Deleted user

Ignore the boobs, but hooooooooly shit. The poor guy nearly dropped the cup, but he played it off like he just tripped. "Oh, we're talking that type of business?"

Deleted user

He rolled his eyes, returning the bottle to its spot with a chuckle.
"Not what I meant, but I'm flattered."

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth just laughs, brushing it off without a hint of embarrassment. She drapes her black cloak over her arm and walks away, sitting by a table.

Deleted user

Why the hell did you just pass that up? he thought to himself as he began to wipe down a dirty cup. Are you stupid?
Before he could continue to bully himself, there was the sound of shouting and a scuffle from near the pool table. In a flash, Baylee had jumped over the bar and approached the two. Think of two WWE wrestlers if they were fighting for real, and that's what he had in front of him.
"Fellas!" he shouted. "Take it outside or I'mm drag you out by your fucking noses!"
The crowd around the two brushed him off. I mean, sure, he looked strong, but what the hell was he about to do?

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth watched Baylee with amusement as the people in the bar ignored him. Her drink tasted terrible, but it got her drunk, so at least it had that going for it. She rested a hand on her short sword, ready to intervene if the bartender failed.

Deleted user

Suddenly, Baylee's body seemed to vibrate in place, like a phone would if it was set ona table. Then before anyone could even blink he was holding both of the men by the throat, their feet easily 6 or more inches off the ground.
"I told you,' he growled, throwing them both back to the floor and rolling his shoulders.
Needless to say, the two were climbing over each other to get out of the door, scared out of their minds.