forum Kingdom of snow and ash
Started by @lemonboy

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She regarded him with surprise and wavered before waving to him "come with me, they'll have more guards when they return. More than what both of us can fight off."


He shrugged "I underestimate everyone until proven wrong. I'm usually right though, especially when it comes to mortal men." She helping him up the wall


"your a liar. And a bad one at that. No helps my kind out of the goodness of their hearts. If so, my people would've been saved." She said bitterly, heading to the road leading back to the forest


“I don’t appreciate your accusations. I’m not lying, not all humans are the same. There’s no need to be a bitch about it.”


She turned on her heal to face him "Yes they are. Where were you when they slaughtered my race hm?"


She shook her head in disbelief "Fine. Think what you want. Believe the fantasy you want to believe." She started to walk again, throwing the apple core to the side and pulling her hood over her head


She picked her way carefully through the foliage, masking her tracks in the snow by waving her hand throught the snow