forum He Came from the Woods (O/O) CLOSED
Started by @KalamariCakes

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You live in a farmhouse in Western Indiana where the summers are hot and the winters are fatal. Beyond the cornfields are miles of woodland and gravel road.
One day you find him, he is your age– and he has never known society.
Something about him seems more mysterious than his social isolation.

Let me know if you're interested!
All aspects of story are realistic until boy is introduced, and then the story takes a turn for more mystery and eerie fantasy. Bits of horror as well.
Bio template:


I'm active quite a bit but schools opens up tomorrow so my responses might be spotty. I'm usually on Notebook everyday but I cant guarantee that, sometimes school takes up too much time lol


I'm active quite a bit but schools opens up tomorrow so my responses might be spotty. I'm usually on Notebook everyday but I cant guarantee that, sometimes school takes up too much time lol

Go ahead and post a bio


How active are you guys? I'd like to have someone who's pretty active, lol.

I'm quite active, I'm not on a lot during the day because of school, though I'm on quite frequently whenever I have a moment of time


Name: Kaius Lennox
Age: 18
Gender: male
Personality: Kaius is a pretty confident and intelligent person. He likes to be outside and does a lot of building in the forest. As a very adventurous person, he had a good sense of direction .
Appearance: messy, short black hair that looks brown in the sun, dark green eyes with silver specks, lightly tan skin, athletic body, and he is around 5'7"
Other: he had a German shepard named X


In mid-July, dusk was a reflective time of day. The nocturnal wildlife took their throne and the songbirds went to sleep. The smell of lilac and moisture blanketed the atmosphere. Kaius's father, freshly divorced, was asleep by now.


X sprung from his tattered dog bed to follow Kaius, tail erect with curiosity– X was always a curious dog, getting into trouble all the time.


Kaius patted the area next to him and waited for X to go up the ramp, specially made for him. Kaius took out his planner and looked at the design so far. The leaves rustled with a faint breeze