forum Fantasy Creatures Roleplay ~(Closed, sorry [but stalker bois get some earl grey and tea biscuits!])
Started by @ember-chan-will-never-forget-you

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"Yeah, Azzy but finders keepers losers weepers. Not counting Yama 'cause he's already a weeper." Romeo said, snapping a finger. A puff of smoke and the lock box appeared in one hand, and the magic box in the other. Handing the lock box to Aza just as the door opened, Romeo turned to an old woman who stood in the door.
"Ah, Romeo, this must be your Juliet? Come in, come in, both of you." She said, a smile on her face.
"Yeah yeah, real original." Romeo muttered, stepping inside.


"Forgive me, Azalane, my vision is fading." The old woman says to Azalane. "Ever since my sisters cut me off, I've been wasting away." She says sadly. Romeo hands her the box. "I wish you the best of luck, Atropos. Don't forget our deal." 'Atropos' smiles, appearing an innocent old woman. "Azalane, Romeo, you two shall be kept from my wrath and my end of the deal will be fulfilled." She says, a sly element creeping into her smile. Nodding, Romeo headed back to the door. He held it open for Aza.


"She's halfway gone, but it's her age. Now she'll be much happier, and hopefully more sane. She's one of the three Fates, ever heard of 'em? Clotho, Atropos, and Parcae." Romeo says to Aza, just as a bang goes off inside the shack.


"Nowhere." A voice hissed from the shadows, responding to Aza's question. "Who's there?" Romeo asked, defensively. "A man covered in bruises and scratches emerged from the brush. "Do you know what you've just done?" He asked. He had an accent, he sounded Australian, but it was a very light accent so Romeo couldn't tell for sure.
"It's none of your business, so why don't you go back to bouncing in the bushes." Romeo retorted. The man's golden eyes glinted, and he furrowed his eyebrows in rage. "You're a fool, you know." He said, and then turned to Aza. "You're better off running now, because whatever Atropos is doing now will kill us all." Romeo shook his head and laughed. "Listen up, cowboy, we made a deal with Atropos, so the only one getting killed here is you." The man widened his eyes. "You're even more of a fool than I took you for, Romeo." He said.


(Yo, if Atropos or the cowboy's conflict has any far-reaching ramifications, I'll be happy to lump Yama back into things.)


(definitely, what's going to happen is Atropos creates a spell that brings every dead man/woman with unfinished business back to life. I'm guessing our characters have a few enemies, so perhaps our enemies could join together so we all have no choice but tO dO tHe sAmE?)


Romeo agreed. "Yeah, let's go. We probably shouldn't be here when Atropos completes her spell." Romeo says, glaring at the man. Scowling and realizing Romeo wouldn't budge on his decision, the man retreated into the brush, searching for the last person to warn.


"We shall," Romeo says. "Where to exactly?"

"Excuse me?" The same man who had confronted Romeo appeared to Yama. "Excuse me, sir, you were part of the group who raided the Faerie's Castle, no?" He says.


Yama looked at the man in front of him. "Are you planning on stabbing me?" he sighed. "I really just want to take this treasure and get on with my life, if that's okay with you."


(Dang. It was fun while it lasted. Thank you for setting this up and such! I had a great time watching my character get shot!)