forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Askeu, a city in the sky, has become the world's leader in sports, entertainment, and population. Millions of tourists flock to the city every year to see Askeu's most popular game, Champion. Captive criminals from all over are taken to the city's famous arena, where they are given a choice to either fight to be Champion, survive to be Underdog, or be painlessly executed. It's a simple choice - but in the end, will dust return to dust?

@Dragoncita group

This small plot has caught my interest

I am going to assume that the 'arena' will have different fighters, or different events, much like Gladiator themes, or am I mistaken?
Also is the RP open to different twists added by other people, as well as what type of creatures are being allowed, as I have an idea of a charrie I would like to use for this if possible

Thank you


Hello! I was wondering if his rp is in a fantasy world, or the present day with fantasy elements?

It's in a fantasy world, but it doesn't lack technology. The idea is that the universe is populated by different races with different technologies. Askeu is on a kind of Earth-like world because it has humanoid people, buildings and civilization, Gladiotor-ey entertainment, etc. :)


This small plot has caught my interest

I am going to assume that the 'arena' will have different fighters, or different events, much like Gladiator themes, or am I mistaken?
Also is the RP open to different twists added by other people, as well as what type of creatures are being allowed, as I have an idea of a charrie I would like to use for this if possible

Thank you

Yes and yes. Your character can have superpowers, can change forms, can be another race, anything!

@Dragoncita group

If I need to change anything, just let me know:

Username: Dragoncita
Name: Dastan
Age: Appears to be in his early to mid 20's
Actual age - Somewhere in his 800's
Gender: Male
Species: Dragonkin; His parents were a human mother and a dragon father who was part storm and earth dragon
Powers/Abilities: Like all dragonkin, Dastan has the ability to take to a dragon form. Gaining from his father, Dastan can summon powerful thunderstorms and call forth lightning to strike his enemies, then he can also control the very earth beneath him causing the ground to quake, earthen walls, etc.
Weapons: With his unmatched strength, Dastan wields a massive battleax. He is the only one able to wield the heavy and powerful weapon with ease as if it weighed nothing. There is a story behind the weapon, some mystical energy seems to surround it. However, you'll have to earn Dastan's trust to learn more about it.
Reason for entering Arena: Captured and forced to be a gladiator in the Arenas
Bio/History: Once part of a hidden village that worshipped the dragons, Dastan had lived a relatively normal life, if you call living with dragons normal. That is until they came, and destroyed everything he had known and held dear. Who 'they' are, no one really knows.
Only thing Dastan knew was that he was thrown into a cage, then sent into the city. Here, he was trained to become a gladiator. He learned quickly, his draconic nature being a great help in dire situations when faced with strong enemies. Dastan grew into one of the best fighters the city had grown to known.
Yet, despite the people's praise, Dastan feels nothing. He despises every single one of the crowd…for they had one thing he didn't; freedom.
Human Form -
Dragon Form -

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(I’m having ideas now.) What about playing with multiple characters? Or making secret teams? And two people at a time playing elimination style, while the world gets to watch and the prisoners have commentary while they learn about their opponents and make plans to kill them.


Everyone can join! Dragoncita, that's really awesome! But you Dastan needs to have committed a crime, Askeu doesn't just hate a specific race or person, they only take criminals - whether the criminals committed murder or petty theft. The Althalosian, maybe not interviews unless your character is Champion or Underdog. The Champion is the best fighter and the real winner, while the Underdog is the guy the audience likes enough to let him go free or at least survive.The rest is fine!

@Dragoncita group

Alright, thank you Bandito, though I think I'll switch out Dastan for a different character I have who would fit the 'criminal' role way better if that is alright :3

Deleted user

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I'm glad I hit you with my goddamn truck.

@Dragoncita group

Perhaps, though it also allows the owner to decide whether a power is too godly or op, hence why I usually list my characters abilities
Just the way I've always done it for the past 7 years


Dragoncita okay, but he doesn't have to be a bad guy, I just don't want to turn this into some 'brainwashing dystopian ruler who hates all other races' type of thing :P

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Name: Alene
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5,4
Weight: 120 lb
Looks: She has black hair that is cut straight at about her shoulder blades. She has rather pale skin. She’s kind of prepubescent looking. Would be considered smol (as the kids say these days) except when her blue eyes suddenly turn fierce.
Other: She doesn’t speak as much as some, likes to sing but rarely in public.
Notes: She’s Chinese.
Crime: Destuction of property.