forum Born of darkness
Started by @burning-my-bridges

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Fun fantasy rp. Takes place in the royal capital. The plot is about a group of people struggling to control their shadow powers, and searching for others like them!


If u want to join, use this character template:
Powers/magic: (shadow/darkness or light)


Name: Aceline Hazehelm
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: long black hair, silver eyes, short and lean
Personality: suspicious, brave, protective, loyal
Powers/magic: shadows/darkness
Backstory: As she became increasingly aware of her powers, she fled her home and has been living on the streets, searching for others like her. (I'm kinda leaving her backstory as a 'mystery/you'll see' type thing)


Name: Selene Anderson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: PAN
Appearance: curly, black hair, cut to her shoulders, big, light grey eyes, blushy most of the time, dark lashes, black shirt and a black skirt, halo made from flowers on her head, quite tall.
Personality: childish, aggressive, funny, might seem a little mean before you get to know her, curious, acts like she doesnt need friends, has a lot of mental breakdowns
Powers/magic: darkness/shadows
Backstory: in development


Name: Iona Mcleod
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: tiny, long silver hair with all types of metal beads and raven feathers tied in, golden eyes.
Personality: quiet, serious, snarky, loyal, and has so sense of self preservation
Powers/magic: shadow/darkness
Backstory: born in a small superstitious town outside of the city. when her people discovered her powers they thought her evil and decided to put her to death. it was only because of her newfound strength and a mysterious stranger that she was able to escape and come to the city to look for the one who saved her and find out what/ who she is. (more later but a tidbit for now!)


Aceline hunkered down in the grubby alleyway, keenly aware of the shadow passing, coming closer to her. It was darker than normal. Could they be the same as her?


Selene felt sad today, lonelier than usually..
She had no place to go, so she just wandered around.
While walking, she saw a dark shadow, her breath stopped for a second.