forum Welcome home rp!! (OPEN!!) 0/4 roles filled!!
Started by @FRANKtheTritoposaur group

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Look at the stars in the big black ink
tell me what you feel and tell me what you think
is it cold outside?
is it cold out?

^^this song makes me think of welcome home for no reason

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

ah. Okay. I'd like to be an oc.
|| Name- Avhira (Via) Hope ||
|| Age- Unknown. Thought to be mid-teen. ||
|| Triggers- None, not really. She seems to be oblivious to all strange things that happen around The Neighborhood. However, strange things tend to happen to those who wrong her as well, so maybe she isn't that oblivious… ||
|| Relationships- She tends to fall in love REALLY easily. she's crushing on all the feminine presenting Neighbors. She seems really close to Wally. And Home… ||
|| Gender- Non-Binary, Uses She/her pronouns. ||
|| Backstory- Home made a big racket one day, and as everyone tried to figure out what was wrong, they found Avhira on the roof of Home. She has never spoken of life before then. ||
|| Appearance- Avhira has long silver hair, with lilac tips. her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of purple, often compared to a galaxy; flecks of gold in her eyes complete that look. Her skin is almost white, and her ears are pointed. She's tall, about 6'. She often wears a dress made of the neptunic flag, one that she made herself. never wears shoes, but never seen without socks. ||
|| Extra Info- She gets flustered very easily, but will always deny it. She's described to have panic attacks, and strange things happen if one gets too bad. She's friendly to everyone. ||

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Role: Poppy Partridge
Headcannons: Totally trans female. Massive (and partially chaotic) Lesbian
Triggers(If any): She dosent like the way Home always seems to be looking at her, which is why she stays in her barn.
Relationships with other townfolk: When she noticed Azul, she became protective of her, almost like a mother. friendly to all the rest, but does not like Home.

@spacebluelily language

wally being only three feet tall will always be hilarious to me

also i thought poppy being a transgender lesbian woman was canon pretty sure clown said it was as well…