forum Star Wars (Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Opens on a ship just outside the atmosphere of Hoth
Winter groans and is holding a small child.
“Hey hun! Where are we going? Our monthly trip to other planets isn’t until next week! And our senate meeting on Coruscant isn’t until six months from now! I was trying to get Frost down for a nap! But he’s too excited now!”
Elias chuckled.
“Calm down Win. Reach out and feel it. There’s something new. My guess is Tatooine. What’s to be expected? Old friends? New ones? Who knows? Maybe we’ll run into that Skywalker fellow, or some other Jedi! All I know is that I feel like we should go there. It just feels right.”
Winter rolled her eyes and shifted the sleepy child on her hip.
“Stars. You know how much I hate Tatooine. But I know you’re right. Let me put Frost down for his nap and I’ll come copilot. Send a message out to Shiloh and Estelle. They need to know too!”
Elias nodded and flipped a few switches in the control panel.
“Alright. I sent it. We’re going into hyperspace, and by the looks of it, Estelle and Shiloh are closer to Tatooine by a few star systems. We should be there within 4-6 hours though. Just in time for the mid day bar fights.”
Winter scowled but didn’t say anything. The child had fallen asleep and she dared not wake him.

@emilyevewrites group

(I fixed my first post a bit, just saying.)

Several moments later, the blue Twi'lek and her blue-haired partner disembarked from their ship. Estelle noticed the guard first. "Hello," she greeted. "I was hoping you could tell me where to find the biggest crime lord in Mos Eisley." In her small hands, she clutched a cold pack Shiloh had found for her.

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( omg thanks, I'm tired af rn. Ask camie I can't type worth a shit when I'm tired.)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Winter set down her son for his nap and rejoined Elias in the cockpit. It wasn’t too long until the dusty planet came into view. Elias whistled.
“Dang Win. That planet looks dryer than the last time we were here. Let me scan for Estelle and Shiloh’s ship. Let’s see if we can get a landing pad near them. Knowing them, they’ve already talked to someone and they’re off to overthrow some crime lord or something.”
Winter laughed.
“You’re absolutely right. Estelle would rather cause chaos than actually have a sensible conversation, and Shiloh enables it! Stars it’s been so long since we’ve seen them last. I don’t think they know we have a kid Elias. That’ll be a shock. But in the best way. Anyways we’re in atmosphere, and the landing pad is clear. Let’s land, and find that stupid cantina. I might as well enjoy something while I’m here!”
Elias and Winter landed beside the ship of their old comrades. Elias went back and woke up their son, and prepared him for Tatooine.
“Alright Frost. Remember what I told you. This is a very hot planet. You need to keep your armor on the entire time. I will help you, or mom will help you if you get too warm. You just have to tell us. Now hold still. I have to wrap this around you. Hothians are still worth a high price to the right buyer. We can’t be too careful can we?”
The child laughed.
“No Ada! We can’t! I’m ready!”
Elias smiled at his son’s antics. He wrapped himself, and picked up Frost. They walked to the front of the ship where Winter was waiting. Together they walked down the ramp and started heading towards the Mos Eisley Cantina.

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Hiro sat down in a booth, using his shaw to help cover his saber. He never removed his mask as he ordered a drink

@emilyevewrites group

The crime lord's head hit the floor before he even saw Shiloh move, and her blade was sheathed immediately after. Thank God they were alone, or a full uprising would've started then and there. Fortunately, they had a bit of time.

"Beautiful work," Estelle praised sweetly.

"And it wouldn't have even happened without your… negotiations," Shiloh replied, winking playfully.

Estelle grinned. "You flatter me. Let's go. Winter and Elias are waiting."

The pair slipped off and blended into the streets of Mos Eisley almost effortlessly, and within minutes, they arrived at the cantina's steps. Shiloh slid her arm through Estelle's, and they walked in together.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Elias and Winter steadily walked to the cantina. They drew some looks, but that was normal for them. It wasn’t the easiest thing to try to hide a walking icebox. But they managed. They slipped into the cantina, and found a booth in a corner. Winter took Frost off of her back, and gently set him beside her near the wall. Elias sat beside her.
He looked at the booth closely and looked at Winter and smiled.
“Ya know. I think this is the exact same booth from ten years ago. This is such a nice surprise. Are you sure Estelle and Shiloh will see us?”
Winter ruffled Frost’s hair.
“Calm down Hun. They’ll find us. Estelle can always find me in a crowd. Speaking of finding someone in a crowd, have you noticed the young man with the mask? He’s force sensitive.”
Elias looked over to where Winter had gestured with her head.
“Oh look at you go. I think that’s our guy. The calling. He’s the one we’re drawn too. I’ll keep an eye on him, you look out for Estelle and Shiloh.”
Winter rolled her eyes.
“I suppose I’ll look for them while keeping your son busy. You know, I never thought it would be this difficult to raise a force sensitive child but here we are, and he’s trying to levitate the spice shakers on the table.”
Elias elbowed her playfully.
“Oh come on now. Don’t tell me a toddler can take you out when blaster fire and space monsters can’t. You’re doing just fine darling.”
Winter elbowed him back.
“I can handle it Elias, but when we get back to the ship, you’re on nap duty. Oh look! Guess who walked through the door!”

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hiro sighed, continuing his sketching as he planned out his next move. he could feel other people around him with the same.. power?.. he guessed. hiro had been raised alone, by a trader hed never gotten the name of. looking around at the crowd he spotted the family and stared a moment to long. their child… was levitating things.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Elias jerked his head towards the boy with the mask. He narrowed his eyes and stared at him. He nudged Winter.
“Win, Frost may have done something really good or really bad. I can’t tell yet. We’ve got the attention of the boy, but it was because Frost liked to make the spice shakers float.”
Winter sighed and gently touched Frost’s hands.
“Sweetie, can you put them down? We can practice later. We can’t let other people see what you can do yet. We’re trying to stay hidden.”
The boy looked up at his mother and giggled. He smiled brightly and threw the spice shaker across the room. Winter’s eyes widened, and she reached out in the Force and brought it back to the table before it could hit anyone. Elias turned and looked at her.
“Well look who is using the Force now. We certainly got his attention. Have weapons at the ready dear. He’s going to walk over here to ask if he saw what he saw.”
Winter rolled her eyes.
“Elias. It’s going to be fine. He’s force sensitive. I don’t feel any dark side affinity coming from him. He’s curious. Let him come. He doesn’t seem to have anyone.”
Elias smiled.
“Hmm. I think that’s your mom instincts kicking in. But I’ll lay back and see if he comes over here.”

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surprisingly, hiro had other intentions. he did get up and walk over, but it was to raise his hands when they drew their weapons. his eyes widened behind the mask "i mean no harm to you or the child i swear.. just.. giving him something. something my master gave me to fidget with.. i seen your 'little display.' " he said and used the force to hand the boy a small ball with diffrent parts all mixed up and intertwined. the ball was a clear rubber like toy " if hes strong enough, he can separate the shapes through the liquid inside." he explained..

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

As the boy walked over, Elias couldn’t help himself. He reached for his small blaster pistol and drew it. Winter leaned over the boy to shield his eye just in case Elias decided to shoot.
But the boy didn’t do anything. He held his hands up, and Elias lowered the small blaster pistol. He offered a toy to Frost.
Frost was more than overjoyed to play with something, and he went to sorting out the shapes immediately. Winter looked up at the boy and smiled.
“Alright son. Why don’t you come over here and sit with us? You have some information to tell us at least. You’re force sensitive, and you said you have a master, but the only Jedi right now traversing the galaxy is that Skywalker boy. Was he your master? And don’t be alarmed. We’re waiting on two other people. They’ve just walked into the door. They’re safe, and I should know. One of them is my sister.”

Deleted user

" i- thank you. and im not sure of his name, but i dont think it was skywalker. he was a trades men an said hed learned some stuff about it. but not much. " he explained his story, resetting the toy when the child needed it.

@emilyevewrites group

Estelle skipped over to Winter, pulling her Twi'lek partner with her. "Winter!" she chirped excitedly, wrapping her arms around her sister. "It's so good to see you! And Elias! And–" She gasped excitedly while Shiloh crossed her arms and chuckled. "–little darling Frost!"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Winter and Elias nodded at everything the young man said.
Elias spoke first.
“That is indeed very strange. We were here ten years ago, but the empire brought us here. You had to have been very young. Whoever raised you knew how to keep you hidden. I apologize for the rough introduction, but you can never be too careful. Let me introduced you to my family. I’m Elias, and this is my wonderful wife, Winter. And this is our son, Frost. We’re all force sensitive, we just choose to use it sparingly. Well me and Winter do. Frost just likes to make things float. Now onto you. What’s your name son?”
At that moment Estelle and Shiloh bounded over and hugged Winter, and she laughed at Estelle and Shiloh’s reaction at her son. She laughed.
“Oh it’s so good to see you two! And yes. This is little Frost. He’s the “Frost problem” that I would mention in holos. I figured Estelle would find out before we met face to face that I had a child. Four years ago, me and Elias decided it was time to start a family. And we did as partners do, and all of a sudden, boom. Frost appeared. And he takes after his father. He’s not a fighter type. He really has an affinity to heal. And wouldn’t you know? He’s force sensitive. How have you two been? And before you two say anything, I’m going to put money on saying that you’ve already liberated someone or something on this planet. Seeing as it is Tatooine, I assume a crime lord has gone missing? And before you ask about the boy talking to Elias, we believe that he’s the reason we’re here. Come on. Sit down and talk for old times sake.”