forum Sanders Sides RP??? (O/O)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Yeah. Another one. I'm a firm fander now, honestly, and I just like these because like they're fun and, well, distracting from the irl bullshit I have to constantly think about.

So…. yeah. Prompts, AUs, plots, anything you want, or stick with plain ol' Sanders Sides stuff, idk.

Deleted user

(Totally!!! So, like, as said. Specific plots, AUs, ideas, what? I have a few, any from you?)


(Mmnope, I'm really sorry. I'm honestly really low on creativity right now. I'll definitely let you know if I come up with any.)

Deleted user

(So I thought…..
Bestfriends/Summer/College maybe? AU:
Five(or six) friends, Thomas, Virgil, Roman, Patton, and Logan (and maybe Remy/Sleep? Idk. Is he canon?), all agree to spend a summer trip on the water, living the chill life in a lake house. But what happens when an unexpected neighbor comes into the scene? Hint hint it's Deceit, AKA Dimitri since that seems to be the name the famderdom has given him.


We create our own sides, our own IRL avatars/just general characters, and make a thing where by the power of plot, both can see the other's sides.

Or I found an Apocalypse AU from a coolio animatic that we could have the plot revolve around?? Idk I've been far too obsessed over learning animation techniques lately. It's called Soldier, Poet, King, it's puuurrrrty snazzy.

But idk. You choose.)


(Oh heck I just realized I'm going to have a lot going on in these next 4 weeks. I'm sososo sorry, I think I'm going to have to drop out of this one!)

Deleted user

Ohhh…. well…. I mean, I could wait, but… I still wanna do this since I like your writing style and you're generally one of the people on this site I feel less anxious chatting with… idk sorry.


(Aww that actually made me happy. Sure, I can try to be on as much as possible! I just have running in the mornings, usually my mother forces me to socialize in the afternoons, and then in the evenings she tells me to get off me computer because "I've been on it all day." Never fear, I shall find time!)

Deleted user

(I'm busy plenty too, it's fine. So… what d'you think of my randomly scrapped together plots? Anything you'd like to use?)


(idk, really. Things that don't really fit with the canon can bug me a lot. But, I don't know if I'd really mind. We have to do some sort of romance thing as a sub-plot, because… yes. But maybe we could each make our own characters? I already have mine from another Sanders Sides rp I did (I don't remember if you were in it or not? I have a terrible memory, honestly.)

Deleted user

(So we make our own OCs, and make OC sides for them? Meta. Sounds good, wanna template or just jump in?)


(Oh, I meant like have our own sides inside of Thomas. Like, mine was specifically his feminine side, and one of them was specifically his depression, one was coping methods, etc. though, Idk, it might be stupid, so we don't have to do that.)

Deleted user

(Well we clearly had different ideas. Derp. Uh…. sorry!)


(Lmao sorry for what? And which one do you want to do? Cause I really find it hard to focus when I have more than one character, but… OH. Another (probably dumb) idea, one of us could play the actual person that the people could live in and the other could play the people? Idk if that would work, just a thought.)

Deleted user

(I don't either!!!! I blame my inability to focus. But… maybe we just make out characters, add in the sides, and take it one step at a time. No need to include too many characters at once since the sides don't always show up all the time? Idk.)


(Isdkksjksjdk I just physically cannot play multiple characters, so beware of that before we start. I can post my template with the character I was using last time if you want?)

Deleted user

(Which… huh? Wait, so we're making an OC with their own sides, each of us having our own IRL character with their sides. Yes? Am I getting this confused? I'm not good with words or coordination.)


(I think? That's what you said? Idk, it kinda gives me anxiety, cause every person has MULTIPLE SIDES and then there's the person themselves and I hnngh.)

Deleted user

(But we don't have to use all sides at once. I don't even think they always have to be consistently present, as is canon. So… idk. Sorry. I can get a template?)

Deleted user

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