forum Sanders Sides Role Play(OxO)
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

people_alt 40 followers

@V01DtheFae group

Virgil let out a sigh"He always gets Starbucks and i hate to say but i agree with Logan"
Deceit failed at hiding a laugh "well isn't that a rare instance"
Remy shot Deceit a look of annoyance "Hush"


"Well, I admit it is weird for you to agree with me, Virgil, but it's a good thing. Maybe we can get him to stop," Logan said.

Patton was still hugging Remy, smiling.

"It's weird, Virgil, but it's fine. I was just wondering," Roman said.

@V01DtheFae group

Virgil grunted softly "yeah right"
Remy finally hugged Patton back
Deceit quickly grabbed Remy from Patton and sat with him in his arms
Remy laughed and relaxed into Deceit's arms after kissing him

@V01DtheFae group

Remy and Deceit laughed
Deceit was about to say that they argue like an old married couple but Virgil gave him a death stare that told him not to

@V01DtheFae group

"no it wasn't towards you more like against you but don't fret my enimigo you will soon find out" Virgil laughed
Deceit sighed "He called you a prick as usual"