forum Role Play
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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I'm seriously only on the second. My sister read the first in class, and then I had an interest and read it when I had time. We both have school now so I don't know when we'll continue. We started reading it on vacation and then found we never had time.


It's really good! I recommend reading all of the series when you find the time. I started reading them when i was pretty young but I was still really far behind. I finally caught up a few years ago. Anyway what type of harry potter RP do you want to do?


I mean, before we even start the rp we should probably get to know each other's OCs. It makes it easier to understand the rp. Not that I haven't done this without knowing a person's OCs.


Finns- Overly protective of his friends and family. In my original story, he's a witch so he fits pretty well. He's a big guy but he's terrified of hurting people unless its in football Quidditch! He gets stressed out really easily but always tries to hide it.
Caterina(Cat)- She's extremely manipulative. She was practically raised by her older brother to steal and lie. She's not sure but she thinks her late mother was a witch but she could also be a muggle-born. Her father definitely wasn't. Her brother might be a squib that could be why he never talked about their mothers magic. They bounced from foster home to foster home together for two years until her brother aged out and disappeared (She was 10)
Ava- She loves art and history. Unlike her brother, she was never good at magic or very smart so her parents didn't pay much attention to her so she started acting up and getting into trouble for attention. Her entire family where Gryffindors but i think she might be a Slytherin.
Daniel(Danny)- He was always treated like the perfect child so he works hard to meet those expectations. He Cant fail. He tries to put everything on his plate and acts tough all the time. He knows hes expected to be in gryffindor, get good grades, and be on the quidditch team. He'll die before he fails those expectations.