forum i’ve seen a few of these going around, but mha/bnha rp anyone?
Started by @MusicElle-is-here

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Sun-mi just let him hug her for a bit before she realized that she needs to get to school. "Shoot, I need to get to school. Do you happen to go to school somewhere? I can't just leave you here…"

"N-no..i d-dont…" he didnt want to let go of herm he had separation anxiety.


Sun-mi noticed this and decided that she might as well take him with her. "I'm not too sure as to how my teachers will react, but I'm not leaving you by yourself, so I guess you're coming to school. Also, my classmates are generally nice, so don't worry."


Sun-mi once again held the kitten in her arms and made her way to school, running as quickly as she could. She ran into the building and into her homeroom class, barely making it on time. She quietly sighed in relief and then looked at the kitten still in her arms. Surely she could make this work.

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“Is there a rule against cats?” Asked Coby slowly “I don’t remember seeing one anywhere”.

@gloryduster group

"You know, yeah, let's be real, I've been consistently breaking at least six class rules since kindergarten." Niko leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the little cat, waving in his direction. "We could have a quirk based fight right here, right now and there'd be no consequences." He pursed his lips. "Actually, does anyone want to do that? We should do that."


Sun-mi would keep this up as long as she could, just letting him sleep and feel happiness. She could do it all day, it seemed, seeing as no one seemed to care. All of that made her happy.

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"Weird… Weird vibe going on between those two" muttered Coby checking his watch again "The instructor should be arriving soon, I wonder who that will be. And how people are going to split into friend groups, that usually happens in school situations".

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Sun-mi would keep this up as long as she could, just letting him sleep and feel happiness. She could do it all day, it seemed, seeing as no one seemed to care. All of that made her happy.

He did a litte cat yawn, before snuggling back into sun-mi and purring.