forum pokemon rp
Started by @vibe

people_alt 50 followers


i just joined after hearing about this site on pinterest, and I didn't realize it was also an rp thing??

that said, anyone want to do one with me? i've been rping for about four years now (and nah, I don't type in all lowercase when i'm actually writing)

i don't have very many ideas, but i've been really into pokemon lately, so maybe that?


stares at all the other RPs I just joined/made

glances over at unfinished stories and art projects

looks remorsefully at color guard flag that I've yet to practice with

Ehh one more RP couldn't hurt…


ha, felt that

you're totally welcome to join regardless

would you like a pokemon themed rp? and if so, what gens are you most familiar with? i'm most familiar with 6, 7 & 8 (i only played for 7 hours today after restarting shield lmao)


Sure, why not? I'm most familiar with 2, 5, 7, and 8. HeartGold is my favorite game so Johto holds a dear place in my heart, but White was my first game. Gen 6 wasn't super memorable for me, but I've played the heck out of gens 7 and 8.


x was my first, and i've only briefly played the beginning of platinum outside the others i mentioned lol. but yeah, same on the latter part of that statement. considering the newer ones are the (potentially) freshest in our minds, would you prefer gens 7 or 8?

my vote is for 8, but i wouldn't complain at 7


that works out then lol, because i absolutely love shield

do you want to have our characters challenge all the gyms and such, or take a more freestyle route where we just kinda bump into each other and go from there?


i think i'd prefer to take the gym route, then, if you're sure you're fine with it

also, here's my character. feel free to keep descriptions short for yours, if you'd like!

name - august
age - 15
gender/pronouns - male; he/him or they/them
appearance/outfit - (this is actually my avatar in the file i started yesterday, fyi)
personality - observant, respectful, shy, expressive
background (optional) - n/a
team - togatic, zigzagoon (galarian), rookidee


Ahhh sorry I'm late, been busy. Even in quarantine I can't catch a break lmao. No promises that I'll be able to start today though.

Name: Marie Matlock
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns: Female; she/her
Appearance: (I just changed my avatar lol)
Personality: Marie is very curious and doesn't shy away from people at all. She tends to jot things down in her notebook the second she sees something "important", which can freak people out a little. Marie can switch from "bubbly friendly excitable puppy" mode to "super intense battle" mode in an instant, and this doesn't help when trying not to unnerve people.
Background: Marie is from Mistralton City, Unova, and moved to Turfield with her father recently. She's competing in the Gym Challenge to try and learn more about the region and possibly catch the eye of Galar's professor, but seems to have another motive that she's more hesitant to let on about…
Pokemon team: Litwick, Klink, Rufflet, Dreepy, Grubbin, Electrike(obviously she doesn't have them all right off the bat lol)


Ahhh sorry I'm late, been busy. Even in quarantine I can't catch a break lmao. No promises that I'll be able to start today though.

you're totally fine lol. i went kayaking yesterday with a friend, anyways, so i wasn't home for most of the day.

and i love marie! your league card is also really good lol

Am i late?

nah, feel free to join! if you could try to get your character up sometime today, that'd be greatly appreciated. i'll work on a starter in the meantime so we're ready whenever.

Deleted user

(Red cap, Hazel eyes, A red and black shirt, looks to be around 5'3, and 110 pounds)


yep, he's fine!

and to elaborate on cloudy's question, the picture of nick looks like fanart of red from sun/moon.

i'm still working on the starter, but i'll have it posted soon. you guys can respond whenever you have the time