forum Fandom crossover/ take one character from one fandom you like and we will rp 5 people max lets go
Started by @Nor_bananas

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@spacebluelily language

Jack merely looked at the child in front of him and stared at the outstretched hand. What the hell was he supposed to do? Shake the hand? He was about to say something when the door to the fancy house opened and a guy came out. He waited until the girl finished introducing herself with the man following suit. "Name's Jack Sparrow. Captain Jack Sparrow." He paused and looked at Cassius. "Oi, mate, by any chance, do you know where we are? Aside from being in front of your place, that is."


"What Captain Jack Sparrow probably meant to say was that we just appeared here one second I was with my siblings the next I am here," Violet said before taking out a ribbon and tiering her long brown hair up. She was thinking of how she got here and how she could get back to her siblings. "Do you have a library?" She asked the man in high hopes.

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" we are in Rome, time of Caesar, and yes vi..violet.. I have a library" he said and smiled

@spacebluelily language

"Rome…" Jack whispered and he closed his eyes. He didn't even want to know how that was possible. Well, perhaps he did, but he doubted he would get any real answers. "Well, I suppose having a library is a good thing?"

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Cassius shrugged, " in in, come in before my Lord sees you."


"Okay thank you sir," Violet said following the man inside. It probably wasn't logical to follow people into their houses but Violet could defend herself like she had so many other times before, "my brother would have loved to meet you, he has read many books on Ancient Romeb"

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" ancient? My dear we are not old, Rome is thriving!" He seemed confused as he looked at her

@spacebluelily language

"No, no, I'm pretty sure this definitely ancient," Jack said as he followed the girl inside. He looked at the furniture and the paintings and nodded. "Yeah, absolutely ancient. These types of… furniture don't exist anymore." He paused and looked at the confused man and then added. "In our respective…er….I suppose times."

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“ my heavens this must be a nightmare of the sorts” he said softly as he looked at the odd two. “ your clothing must go, I will fetch messala to get you all some proper togas and you must dress like you belong here. Caesar will have you killed.. Skeptic that man is..”


"You say this is in Rome's prime right? Does that mean the Library of Alexandria is still standing," Violet asked very interested


"Well in the future after Rome's fall the library of Alexandria was destroyed and most of the information was lost," Violet explained, "for research purposes it would be amazing to obtain and document some of the lost information,"

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" then please, my library is only a fourth of the great, but help yourself"

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" bathroom is round the corner" he said softly and went to attend to the captain


Violet walked around the corner and saw a bathroom. She stepped inside and started getting changed, as she was changing she thought about her brother Klaus and how much he would have loved to come here and research, she also thought about her sister Sunny who was an infant she would have loved to chew on all of the marble statues with her 4 incredibly sharp teeth.

@spacebluelily language

Jack looked at the white clothing in front of him and tilted his head to the side and traced an S on the soft fabric. A toga. Never in his life did he think he would ever wear one. Well, at least it was going to be comfortable, and easier to move in. Though, as long as he was in Ancient Rome, he was going to miss wearing his normal clothing. He dressed out of his pirate clothing and changed into the white toga. Looking into the mirror, Jack realized that he would most likely have to cut his hair short to fit in.

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" do not worry captain, there is a muck easier option. Some romans tie it back, I have a tie if you need it," he said and moved to grab the throng for jacks hair


Violet came out of the bathroom wearing her white toga but she had kept her shoes on so as not to hurt her feet on anything. "It fits perfectly Cassius, Thank you,"

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Cassius nodded " you must out on Sandles darling, your shoes seem really out of place,"


(Cause I would love to join and I feel I have the perfect character to add to this collection)