forum Fairy Tail [Dead]
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Anyone else want to throw some OC's into this universe and give them a spin? This will be focused on the adventures of a small, select group of people in their elite guild.


  • Keep it pg13
  • No godmoding
  • Stay adventure focused, not romance focused
  • Give your characters weaknesses

Deleted user

YES PLEASE. I have to sleep now but PLEASE save a spot for me.

Deleted user

I was thinking that each guild member would have both the guild tattoo and a more personal tattoo based on why they joined the guild.

Here's the character sheet
Reason to Join Guild:

Deleted user

All good.

My favorite's Levy, but I really like Natsu as well.

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Pollux Ravelli
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Magic: Earth make (I mean, I figure there's ice make, surely a similar magic type exists for other elements? Also seems not too OP)
Personality: Cool, confident, poised, serious but has some sense of humor and a nice smile, perceptive and intelligent, closed off to others and doesn't like to talk about himself
Strengths: Physical endurance and outlasting opponents, very agile and swift, noticing things before others do
Weaknesses: Mornings, emotional intimacy, being put on the spot, in fights does considerably worse against explosive powerhouses that unleash all power at once, weaker to ice and water types of magic as well as rune magic
Appearance: Olive complexion, dark brown hair that's kind of long, wavy, and a little unevenly cut being longer on one side, terracotta colored eyes, lots of piercings, including several on both ears up the side mostly, and a lip ring, about 5'10, lightly muscled, with most of his strength being in his arms, very fit but doesn't have abs and is kind of smol compared to some of the guys his age in the guild
Pets/Companions: Has a little black and white cat that decided to follow him around one day because he fed it once, but it's just a regular cat, not an exceed. He can't get rid of it and just refers to it as "Cat." His refusal to name it is so that he "doesn't get attached," even though the cat has secretly grown on him.
Reason to Join Guild: He was determined to get better at his magic, and believed joining a guild with like-minded individuals was the way to go. He also came from a kind of broken home with parents who didn't love each other and made him and his siblings miserable and used this guild as an excuse to get out in addition to other reasons. He wanted to feel important and cared for, and also joined the guild for the camaraderie.
Tattoo: Guild mark on left side of his neck, personal tattoos: half of a sleeve running from over his right shoulder including the shoulder blade down to just above the elbow; it's mostly just designs, but if you look closely, you can see a slight broken heart motif in some places, but just looking from a distance, you don't figure it means anything at all, and even up close, it's hard to tell unless he mentions it (which he probably won't)
Other: When fighting, will literally kick off his shoes to "become one with the earth", a night owl

Deleted user

(Sure! That makes five so once everyone posts their characters we should be ready to RP)

Deleted user

Name: Hunter Ablises
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Magic: Arc of embodiment
Personality: Hunter is an inventor with a thirst for knowledge. He prides himself on his inventiveness and creativity and his unique perspective and vigorous intellect.
Strengths: He is very open-minded and creative, he is also very skilled with his magic
Weaknesses: Can be very, very stubborn when it comes to others. He will often do anything to get out of working with others.
Appearance: Thick black hair that has one side shaved, dark blue eyes, pale skin that always stays pale no matter how much time he spends in the sun, Black glasses that are always on his face, no one knows if the glasses are just for show or not. He has an intimidating glare that scares away a lot of people.
Pets/Companions: A raven named "Crow" that is always perched on his shoulder.
Reason to Join Guild: His thirst for knowledge, he wanted to explore foreign places and meet people with the same mindset.
Tattoo: Guild mark on the back of his neck, a snake tattoo curling around his arm till it reaches his and where the snakehead is, he has a rolled up scroll on his collarbone.
Other: When he fights he becomes extremely cold and cruel, not believing in taunting his opponents.

Deleted user

(Literally just remembered I didn't post my character.)
Name: Hollyn Lawrence
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Magic: Is covered in black tattoos which she can bleed off her skin and turn into items and weaponry
Personality: Hollyn is serious and straight-laced, completely unafraid of what people think of her. She's an excellent strategist and doesn't balk at ordering people around or even manipulating them into doing what she wants. She doesn't value emotions, sticking to a more 'tough everything out silently' mentality.
Strengths: Good at strategy, physically strong
Weaknesses: Can't read people, terrible at reading signals or letting people give input
Appearance: (Almost no sites work for me so this is all that works. Sorry.)
Pets/Companions: Her tattoos shift and swirl, and many of them move with a mind of their own.
Reason to Join Guild: She wanted to get her hands on better jobs and higher pay, and started relying on the system to get her own jobs. She's not really sure how to handle guild life but she does her best to get along with her friends.
Tattoo: Guild mark on her right shoulder, personal tattoo in gold ink on the small of her back. It's a large owl, wings spreading onto her shoulder blades, inked in with incredible detail. If you look very closely at the feathers, you'll notice that they're made up ofsmall, intricate swirls.