forum (Doctor who) time travel rp
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 40 followers

Deleted user

Hello this is going to be in the doctor who universe so anyone can join

Deleted user

(I saw this and, although I love Dr. Who, I just started watching it, so I don't know much except for what I've Googled)

Deleted user

That’s fine which doctor are you on so far

Deleted user

(Like, literally started watching. I'm on the first doctor of the new series…)

Deleted user

It doesn't really help that I can rarely watch it because no one in my house likes it… (sigh)

Deleted user

No one at my house likes it much either.

Deleted user

My little sister doesn’t like it but I just avoid her all the time

Deleted user

Ohmygodddd I have found my people! Hello. Resident expert, if it's Doctor Who trivia night, put me on your general knowledge team. Seriously, I know sooo much about the fandom, no lie. Classic, modern, the novels, BFAs, ask me anything. Favorite Doctor is Eight, he's awesome. Anyways, may I join? Kinda going all "Permission to squeeeee!" here lol.

Deleted user

The one thing about this is that I don’t have any ideas on how to set it up

Deleted user

(Please, don't put me in charge of playing the Doctor, or a Time lord, or some alien…I know barely anything about how to act, plus, I'm good with humans, because I am a human (or any humanoid))

Deleted user

(I'm good with pretty much anything, I'm good at bullshitting.)

Deleted user

The one thing about this is that I don’t have any ideas on how to set it up

Okay. Maybe we could have the Doctor, and then we can have companions. The Doctor's had large crews before, especially in the audio dramas and novels. Also, what era? We can vote, or the person who volunteers as tribute to play the Doctor can decide themself. And if it's 12 (depending exactly when I'm the timeline, post season nine at least), 13, or 8 to all past Doctors then Time Lord companions are okay if people want. And also, using OCs, characters from the show according to the designated timeline, what? And do we want to use characters from spinoffs like Torchwood, the SJAs, Class, etc? If so, how will they work in the Who timelines and their own? I may be going too far in depth but I'd like to get all the bases covered if I can, sorry.