forum Country-humans (Not Hetalia jsut the other form of country balls)
Started by @Ray-Mightbegone

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Originating from Polandball / countryballs , they are the personified stereotypes of each country, and each country has the proportions of a human, unlike countryballs. ex. Britain wears a monocle and a suit with a top hat and drinks unhealthy amounts of tea.
The fandom has received backlash because they have been accused of romanticizing certain countries and events, like Nazi Germany, and WW2.
The fandom has grown exponentially and has a large fan base of Russian , English, and Spanish speaking people, with other nationalities as well. They were first invented by Russian artists.
It has no relation to Hetalia.

So that's the definition for newbies
I guess you can play as Oc's but I'm Russia!