forum BNHA RP! (Open)
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Hachi held his hand out, smiling. He seemed a lot more positive about everything, Sun-mi’s optimism being contagious. “Hachi Yasuda, it’s nice to meet you,” he grinned.

Sun-mi took his hand, smiling as well. "Nice to meet you too!" She was silent for a couple seconds after, then getting an idea. "So, what's something you like? I can make you something with my quirk. I like giving my friends stuff! It shouldn't melt unless I want it to as well!"

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Distracted a bit, watching jay “ hmm, oh sorry yeah I'm fine!” he gave a smile

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Kyro smiled coming out of the distaction and pets the fox softly. Noticing the cold tone under the foxes fur “ aren't you interesting. “ he said softly

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“ yeah.. I thought I knew you.” He took the letter and looked at it.

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“ mind if I read it later? I think I'm a bit to tired to comprehend.. “ he said with a embarrassed smile.


Yuki mind: [plz don't ready the letter plus that was a letter should of gave you we where in middle school before you moved Kyro]

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He chirped tiredly “ kay I know I said I was staying up but it's getting pretty hard.. “ he said softly

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Kyro nodded and crossed his arms around the pillow, laying his head in it. His wings relaxed as he did.

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Kyro slept silently, looking quite exhausted. He kept jolting every now and then, his body keeping alert of a predator as a natural response.

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When the bell rung kyro jolted awake, the feathers in his cheeks and wings poofed. He eventually settled