forum BNHA RP! (Open)
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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He pets snowy, yawning softly. He was fighting hard to stay up now..

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He didn't move much, he just kept her where she was. “ I'll be fine.. You kook comfy there either way

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He gave a soft smile, nuzzling their noses together like he had with the fox.


Hachi got another idea. “Ooh! What if we made our own agency?” he asked, grinning.

"I could definitely see us doing that when we're older!" It was clear that Sun-mi loved the idea.


Hachi grinned. He really loved the idea of running an agency with his friends, all while helping people. “This is going to be amazing!”


Hachi nodded, grinning. “And everyone will be happier! Not as many people will be scared anymore, or if they are we’ll help them!”