forum Another TOH rp? (Closed)
Started by @FRANKtheTritoposaur group

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(What is up kiddos, 8 forgot that I said I'd get a starter up sooo… sorry for the wait!! I am gonna post it today or tmw swearzies. I know how I wanna start it, cus this whole rp is just a shitty ass sleepover- ANYWAYS, I will get a starter up. Thanks for the patience, Clover)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

The stepped out of the car into the warms sun. The sky was pink and pretty, the sun low in the sky. "Thank you for driving us here, camilla" They said as she drove off to find a parking spot. They were at the mall to buy snacks for their little sleepover.

@-LemonTail- language

Gus ran into the mall, gazing at all the shops and the music and the humans that filled the building. He jumped and ran over to a display case that held many different types of shoes.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

vee strolled in with her hand in her pockets, "i should probably pick up some new clothes while we're here." she noticed hunter and willow, and tried to not laugh.