forum Amasai rp with @Naize_lupin
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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I'll start! Non-despair high school AU, first day.

It was a normal, early morning. Today was also the first day of school, which annoyed many students. Rantaro was up rather early, though he wasn't sure why. He started his day at about four that morning without a second thought. He knew that he'd have school, and he knew that his friend, Shuichi, was attending the school with him, but he wasn't sure how it would go.

As the morning started, students filled the hallways of the school. Students were everywhere, chatting and trying to find their way around. He sighed softly, putting his earbuds in to tune out the amount of noise there was in the area, waiting for Shuichi. He was a bit worried about how he'd respond to it all, knowing that he was generally a bit socially anxious.


Rantaro saw his best friend somewhere in the crowd and walked over to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Shuichi, I'm here now…" he said softly. "It's okay. Are you okay?"


Rantaro nodded as he took his earbuds out. "Here, you should use these," he said softly as he handed them to Shuichi. "You need them more than I do. Just know that I'm here for you."


Rantaro held Shuichi close to him as he looked around the hallway, trying to find the best way to reach an empty, or at least quiet, room. It took a few seconds of analyzing, but he then found the best path to get Shuichi into an empty room.

"I found out how to get out of here," he assured the other as he picked him up. "Let's go."

Before Shuichi could do anything, Rantaro carried him to an empty, quiet room in the school. He turned the lights on, but he didn't put Shuichi down, unsure if the other would be okay on his own at the time since he was most likely still shaken up over everything.


"Hey, no need to apologize, Shu," Rantaro told him softly. "We're away from all of the noise now. It's just us. You're gonna be fine. I'll hold onto you as long as you need me to. There's no need to worry about it."


Rantaro gave Shuichi a soft smile before walking to class with the other. They were in the same class, so he didn't mind. He wanted to confirm that Shuichi was calm enough to attend class. If anything would have prevented that, he would've stayed with the other for as long as he needed to. He was always going to make sure that Shuichi was okay.