forum Amamota rp with @Naize_lupin
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Rantaro fell silent again as they walked towards Kaito's room. He was incredibly worried about his boyfriend, knowing that he was gonna die. He wasn't sure how well he'd handle seeing his boyfriend in his current condition, so he brought Kokichi with him. He needed someone there to support him during this time.

Once they reached Kaito's room, Rantaro sighed softly. He wasn't looking forward to what he was gonna see, knowing that things would be bad. He looked at Kokichi, who was next to him, trying to get a little bit of reassurance. Once he was slightly reassured, he walked in, and while he remained silent, he sat by Kaito's side, held his hand, and cried.


"Kaito…!" he exclaimed as he continued to hold his lover's hand and cry. "You…you're awake…" he said softly before gently hugging the other. "I…I…um…might…lose you… S-sorry…for crying…"