forum Ruleplaying NPCs
Started by daelstrom Premium Supporter

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daelstrom Premium Supporter

I'm putting together a campaign I want to share, and I am trying to develop a way to manage RPG mechanics for NPCs.
What I'm trying to figure out is an easier way to help new GMs of RPGs (Fallout post apocalypse in my case) to create simple but diverse citizens of fantasy worlds for player characters to interact with.

What I'd like to hear about is how other GMs manage them in their games.
Do they write up great backstories and character sheets?
Do they use personality types like the Myers-Briggs types to characterise stereotypes?
Do they use aids like Tarot cards or story dice to help?

I'm toying with a few ideas myself but would love to hear about how others deal with the issue.
How do you make a simple yet diverse system to help you make NPCs less like cardboard cutouts
I'm hoping to develop my RPG world with some sort of guide to NPC management because I want to share it
