forum New at playing D&D
Started by @WolfieVampire1946

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I am EXTREMELY new to D&D. Anyone have any tips? I have my character (my friend is the dungeon master, and helped me create her), but I've only ever played once.

@Noydian Slip

Certainly! Here's my advice.

First, don't be afraid to play your character. A lot of new players tend to not talk much and just let things happen, taking more of a spectator role with dice. That's perfectly fine if that's your preferred style of play, but many players have a fear of doing things "wrong" or making a player faux pas. Don't be! Try things, do stuff, and play the game! The GM makes the world, but the players make the game.

Second, engage with other characters and NPCs. Talk to people! Even the quiet and shy types have things they like to talk about, be them characters or players. An excellent way to put this into practice (particularly when it's early in the campaign or if you're playing with people you don't know well) is to ask questions when a choice is presented to the party for any reason. It's easy: "Hey Lazario, what do you think we should do here?" or "Hey Reyna, you're a paladin, any advice on the current situation?" This is a good way to facilitate conversation with your fellow PCs, should it suit you.

Third, take notes. Story information, NPCs you've talked to, items you have, skills and abilities you can use, spell assortment, and so on. Doing this helps you make good decisions in game by allowing you to easily keep track of all the options at your disposal. This also helps your GM focus on the story and world generation without having to worry about whether you've adding the right bonus to your attack rolls or not. Know your character!

Fourth, and most importantly to me, ask for help! If you're not sure what to do in game, ask your fellow players. If you're having trouble picking new abilities at level-ups or grasping a rule, ask your GM. RPGs like this tend to have a lot of rules and nuances and it can be easy to get lost in the sheer volume of it all. Many hands make for light work, and that same saying applies with many minds.

Hope this helps, and good luck in your game!