forum Wanna make some Creatures? Will draw existing book creatures (Closed)
Started by @TheGoldenLegend

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Yup >:} I'm trying to name it and I tried using parts of each animals Latin classification names and it almost sounds too cute for it but maybe that's the catch. it sounds cute but it's terrifying


@TheGoldenLegend I don't know if I'm a bit late, but I have a request, three actually
Rabbit + Deer (deer dominant trait)
Llama + butterfly
Cat + peacock

I think is one per comment, so you can choose. Thanks anyways, your art is awesome!


Are you using these creatures for a story or something? Because any creatures I sure no one is going using I'm probably going to put them in my book. So if you are, please say so c:


hi again o3o i have a fun one
the head of a fox with a mask on it (think festival japanese fox masks) + wing ears + long llama like neck with sort of horse like mane, but fluffier + cheetah body but slightly longer + tiger paws + sparrow claws + jellyfish frills like tail.
I'm thinking it should end up being smth serpentine and sorta graceful, but i wanna see what you'll do with it o3o
Take your time with it, no rush :"D
Ty o3o <3


Ohmahgod that is so epic looking i love it lol XD
Its a creature from my book, named Morphidae o3o I already had a design base for them but i was really curious to see how you would design them. I love the head so much hnnn ywy
If u dont mind me postin, here's how i first pictured it :'D

I love the way you imagined it, it really inspired me o3o ❤


i meant cheetah body as in build :'D
Ty q3q
Initially i was gonna ask if you could draw them from the reference i provided (idk its satisfying to see someone else draw ur things), but then i kinda chickened out and just sent you the vague description :'D