forum Writing a Blind Character
Started by @EverEmra

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So, in my story my protagonist is blind. I'm having trouble describing things around her through her other senses. She later gains sight and I am unsure of how to describe things around her such as color when she has never seen it before. Any ideas?


If it is in her point of view, then you can't really describe the colours, but if it is in third person you can describe the colour but make it like "(Character's Name)'s hands traced along the lavender walls, trying to feel for a door or a piece of furniture, and quickly memorizing where everything was in the room."


I once wrote a blind character and I was in the same boat you’re in now. It was really difficult for me at first but I began to learn things about those who are blind. For example, I once heard that since blind people can’t use their eyes, their other senses are almost stronger in a sense. Another thing I heard is that they can ‘feel’ colors.


As writers, we often explore all aspects of worlds, including areas like these; thank you for seeking out ways to inform your writing! If you're looking to lend a realistic touch, I think the best source would be to look through your networks and see if you know of or can be introduced to any blind people you can interview? Say, through an AMA on reddit, or perhaps through asking for interested parties through an agency that helps the blind (in the U.S., many states have departments, organizations, and resource services for those with disabilities, who might be able to put you in touch with someone who can answer questions)? I think it's best to get insight directly from the source, rather than risk perpetuating untrue or uncommon stereotypes, or risk insulting the audience you're portraying and attempting to connect with.

Best of luck!


Check out script blogs on tumblr. They might be able to point you in the direction of some first person perspective resources. The ScriptFamily is amazing.


Their was no visions at first, when she began to open her eye just to feel the sensational rush of it all.Just to consume it all in one whole bite. At first her vision was blurry now fully seen before her was, sight. Sight was not much to the person next to me, who saw everyday and still complained, about everything. To her this was everything , she didn't need all the fancy dresses or the new mobile phone, she just wanted to see for one moment. One image of her said to be with long black hair , pink lips, fair in complexion and a diamond shape face structure. To her just one glance of the mirror handed to her hand ,made tears become a storm. This was the life she missed, this was her life not the one who longed to see but the one who longed to be…..