forum Would anyone like to critique my character please?
Started by @alanye

people_alt 2 followers


She seems very sweet! Kind of reminds me of Hazel Levesque–especially with the "do no harm take no shit" thing she has going on. I love how you went into detail for each of the descriptions. She reminds me of warm blankets.


She really comes off as a sweet girl, but one who's also strong and will verbally fight you if you differ from opinion.
I love how you put 'angry feminist', because that's exactly what comes up to me; a strong woman who knows her rights and will fight for them. Do no harm but take no shit really fits with this.
Nothing above a young woman like this.
Also, great love for pilot jackets xd

You mention she knows martial arts, but don't mention these in her hobbies. Is this a thing she taught herself?
That's my only question haha, I love her! I think you did a great job!