forum What will make a demon girl character unique?
Started by @Killerofhappilyeverafters45

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Okay so lemme introduce you to Florence Violet Maywood, she is a demon who has a human brother named Nickolas. Her mother was a human and her dad was a demon. But she inherited her father's genes in the womb, thus being the darker twin while her brother is the lighter one. He is a good person who is like an overprotective parent for everyone. Nick is very social and outgoing, you'll often find him in the community helping the elderly. Florence is the opposite, she is known to be violent and often isolates herself from the world. She has serious trust issues after a bad relationship she had with a vampire, it was toxic. Both her and Nickolas share special abilities. Florence can control the skeletal structure inside a living thing's body and manipulate reality. Nickolas can see through people, determining who is pure and who the sinners are. In addition he can heal others and himself from wounds. I don't know how to make her stand out so she doesn't come out as a cliche character, someone plz help


This sounds a lot like every anime I watched growing up. :/ Um hmm where to start? Skip the skeletal control power that seems kind of avatar with blood bending. The control reality could be interesting depending on how you choose to use it and develop it. Could be a type of illusion power? As for Human/Demon Parents :/ I'm not sure how to make that unique since everyone seems to do it. I'm not trying to discourage you, by all means see where you can take it. Maybe it can be different from someone else's? I'm just seeing huge angsty trends about to pop out. Sorry if this offends but I'm guessing your really young still? Maybe in High School? It can be hard to develop a good story idea when we are this age because most of what is relatable to us is finite beyond school and friends. I can relate. I just read some of my older stuff a few months ago and about barfed. Laughed at myself even too. XD I was doing the same tropes. So please beware this comes from a good place. If you are looking to write paranormal or fantasy or a mixture I would see what the constants are and find a way to make a twist or come up with something new. I think that it has a good start but lets get the kinks worked out. I'm no longer familiar with paranormal because I don't read it anymore and what is consider paranormal now could be different than what it was when I was in high school. Its a hard trend to chase.

Here is a list of tropes. (Trope can be good please don't avoid them.)
With these links provided it can give you a starting point. Please though don't shy away because something is universally panned. If you think you can make it work. Do IT! Because only you can tell the story and only in your words. So if you still want to go with the same above and not change anything there is always going to be a niche for it!

@[email protected]

I don't think you should skip the skeletal bending, you could do a lot of cool stuff with it. as for the unique part, what makes her stand out besides her nature?


What are here views? Can you gives us an idea. Like give us a quick run down of her actual personalities and hobbies. An example of how she might react in a certain situation.


@LadySeshiiria Florence's personality is that she is paranoid, aggressive, determined, and independent. At times, she is willing to play the hero but doesn't like being praised for it. Sometimes she is selfish but doesn't express it much. When someone notices that she is drinking too much bourbon or lies about where she's been, when they try to confront her about it Florence gets defensive. There is a scene in my story where her brother finds her in jail for stealing from liquor stores every chance she got, he notices the dark circles around her eyes and how shaky she is. When he asks why she is asking this way, Florence dodges the question because she was torturing herself because of really bad mistakes that don't involve the stealing, it was something that affected her personally.


@Killerofhappilyeverafters45 Sounds like you have an anti-hero which is cool. So I see you picked your flaws well, but other than playing hero once in a while, being independent and determined, have you thought about other positive traits you can throw in there? Like where is this persons loyalty towards family or friends? Like maybe she is secretly helping someone out, or she could be highly intelligent and not use it. A lot of highly intelligent people end up with addictions because they are not stimulated enough. Most of the kids I knew that did drugs in school did them because they weren't bad but because they were bored and unchallenged. Hobbies could be that she secretly gardens and has an affinity for a certain kind of plant. Maybe she has a soft side she doesn't let anyone see. You don't want her to be so abrasive that the audience finds her annoying or unlikable unless that is your intent. I have this same fear with my character. Female characters especially nowadays are much more in the haters sites. If you know what I mean. I could be a matter of making her not unique in the flashy way but in the relatable way. Like maybe she's good with kids.

Idea: Maybe all demons eventually are consumed by darkness and your character ends up being a rare example of one that does not?


Oh I take it back the skeletal bending I brought up with my husband he says that can have potential. Though he disagreed with your reality bending and said its overdone.


oh okay, thanks for the advice. She secretly is good with kids actually, but sometimes she is scared to approach them because she's a demon.
She has loyalty for her family but it's kinda ironic because she killed a relative


I think right now seeing on where you are at you would need to get you whole plot written out and structured. Sift out any potential plot holes and then go from there. It what I did with my characters I built them up as far as I could and then I played around over the years with scenarios and kicked things I didn't like out or changed things as I went. I'm to a point where I am now bending the plot around to fix cliches and F888 with my characters even more so. Like the Murphy's law thing.
Its about looking for weaknesses at this point. How can I make it better? What can I include in that will help me better explain my magic rules through showing and telling when appropriate. Ignore the avoid telling advice its the stupidest advice you will ever here. There are just somethings that you have to explain in story just use a character to do it. I have to explain the mechanics of a certain practices of magic and why its so exclusive. It gave the opportunity to create guild or exclusive club of people that have the ultimate form of magic and the intelligence to back it up. It gave me an excuse to feed into the lore of my universe as well. Some would argue this is still showing but when you get down to it I think many people don't know the difference at time especially the subtle ones. Hell I'm still learning. I'm not an expert, I think using a character as a puppet to talk about a science, technology, or magic is effectively coming in as the narrator and telling the crowd okay buckle your seat belts because this shit is import.
Also if you find yourself having a hard time reaching a conclusion for your story you could be in trouble. It could be that you haven' thought up an ending for that story whether its the book or a series. That's okay but get brainstorming because you don't want to write yourself into a corner. Its better to have a vague idea and to work towards a goal of building on it that having no foundation. Your stories ending is probably in my opinion the most important. When I crafted my ending I was able to see my plot holes better, I was able to fix my timeline to square up to it, add things in the would benefit the story, and even trash ideas that inherently even though I loved didn't work. I can't completely say the ending is the most important because the poor middle gets ignored too but your middle will be happier for it. The middle has the most danger of loosing readers once they get into a book. Middles tend to wander at times…
With that said I hope this helps. Do what you can to build a poster of events for the whole cast and world. A timeline if you will it will allow you to see the big picture and if you want post it up and we can all help you if you get stuck. Its better to be a planner than a pantster. I would know, since I've never finished a story pantsting… XD (I have a workable starting draft for a side adventure in this universe because I planned.)

@Aviel Sunsmith

I wouldn't give her brother powers, you said he was a human so he should be normal. If you want to do something with him and make her less average demon then make him care for her, make her have a soft spot for him. And personally you should skip out on the vampire relationship, make her smart enough to realize that"s a bad idea.


I wouldn't give her brother powers, you said he was a human so he should be normal. If you want to do something with him and make her less average demon then make him care for her, make her have a soft spot for him. And personally you should skip out on the vampire relationship, make her smart enough to realize that"s a bad idea.

I agree with this. This is a good idea.