forum What Snapcube sonic fan dub quote embodies your character?
Started by @Goosey group

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@Goosey group

Yeah, i love the sonic fan dub so much
Love it
Anyway- yeah, which quote, or quotes, embodies your character(s)?

Conner: “ you’ve been taken by the snap, crackle, pop!” “ I don’t want to hear your musty mouth, give it to me or I’ll put the girl in Minecraft.” “ If someone hacked into my Fortnite account- i am going to have a birth of cactus’s right now.”

Ralph: “ Why are you so goddamn pale.” “ We’ll do Fortnite and we’ll get Todd Howard on it.” “ The caucasity of this bitch.” “ You know how long I’ve been craving gamer dick? Since 1990.”

Joern: “ Im actually Todd Howard now, because I sell all the video games.” “ You have the potential to be a true twink Fortnite gamer.” “ Frank Ocean cant save you now, sweetheart.” “ God, take me now, im ready. Kill me. Just like sonic.”

@Retr0inactive public

Osei: “I can’t be making these impacts at my age”
“Okay, here I go making impacts at my age”

Soline: “Are you my mom?”
Lumianne: “N-No? What? The f*ck??”


Baako: “The caucasity of this b*tch”

Janaia: “Oh my God he’s bisexual I didn’t know!”
Leone: “BTW I’m bisexual”

October group

Maybelle: disappointed sigh, I miss my wife, tails, I miss her a lot, I'll be back.
Valerie: Anyways I'm gonna go break into W04H- Gets killed off lol
Damian: I'm going to kill you….

and then kill you again.

Beatrice: Hey that's not- well, yes I am depressed okaay
Nathaniel: Uhm, I'm dead :D Gets killed off lol #2
Hawthorne: I didn't expect for that to be exactly how you explain it, but then after you explained it it made so much sense and that's exactly how that would work! But now I'm wondering why the fuck would you do that-

April: Aanwe- Shut up shut up shut up, shut UP SHUT UP, SHUT UP SHUT UP Aggressively walks away
Hawthorne: None of us were talking-
Maybelle: I can't believe she came to her intervention drunk

evrfighter language

Lio: Well I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll like me!

Rezon: That just makes you a beta cuck
Lio: (ded)

(Nio is in the process of stealing Iris from Jay)
Jay: Give me back my gamer girl NIO-

Tsuki: Lio…
Tsuki: (shoots some finger guns) you're a twink!