forum What kind of quirks can I give my characters?
Started by @dianag

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My main character's name is Josephine 'Jo' Meyers. She was raised by her mom, the mayor (hence the Meyers) and they aren't very close. The mom raised Jo to be super competitive, snotty and stuck up. Jo is the most popular girl in school, but a daydreamer and curious. I was wondering if anyone had ideas for what kind of quirks I can give her aside from the typical mean girl things.


I'd suggest something that you yourself enjoy. Something that makes a character interesting is how relatable they are to the reader. Go for something that you think you would enjoy or your reader demographic would enjoy.


What are her motivations and reasonings behind her behavior? Those might help you identify some of her quirks.

For example, maybe she actually juggles a lot of guilt over being a "mean girl," but she doesn't know how to process those feelings or have healthy relationships with other women because of the dynamic between her and her mom. Instead of confronting her own inadequacies around those feelings of guilt, she continues to act out as "mean," and tends to blaming others for situations and her emotions. (Research "toxic friends" for behavior examples.) These might lead to nervous tics, signs of stress, and quirks (does she overdress? does she put her own work down? is she always making jokes at her own expense? does everything have to be perfect? does she take forever to get ready?) that could range from endearing to difficult. It could also give her lots of hidden ways that she expresses herself (in healthy ways, like drawing or writing, or sending anonymous letters of compliments to those she feels she publicly wronged) that could be uncovered to show a different side of herself. (It would probably also lead to an emotional crisis, which could be a climax point in her character development, or something she continually has to work on not backsliding into again.)

Or maybe because she has a strained relationship with her mom, so she's constantly looking to connect with or buddy up with maternal figures. Like, Jo's mean to you, but your mom just ADORES her because Jo sent her flowers on her birthday or before a big job interview.

@TouchOfColor group

Just something that reminded me of my character, who is also named Jo. My Jo can seem pretty stuck up at times, but it has more to do with her precise nature. I think of things like obsessively organizing and color-coding as physical quirks, as well as fidgeting a lot. In terms of mental/emotional, how about making her seem mean, but she really is nervous about talking to people, so she comes off as cold even when she is well-meaning? Idk, these were just some early elements of Jo’s character that i finds interesting, so maybe something like these?


That's a good thought. She can push people away so she doesn't have to go through the pain of being ignored like she was by her mother. Or she's snobby because she doesn't want to admit that the other person is right. She does it so she doesn't have to experience the hurt and embarrassment


It's always good to have a character that you can relate to, even in the smallest bit. Put a piece of yourself in everything you write. Don't make them too much like you-something small. Think of a weird quirk that you have, and add it in. It'll make writing about your character and this quirk just a little easier.

Deleted user

Jo could have just a random and silly quirk like always taking the wrapping paper off carefully and then saving it. Or she could be super obsessive about the way her hair is styled in a kind of over the top way. Or she could have a tendency to laugh when she's nervous, or get fidgety when she's nervous or tap her foot or something. Or she could chew on her bottom lip when she's thinking, or maybe when she's worried. Or something.